
  1. 研究表明这是目前为止发现的最早的人类祖先,科学家将其命名为“豪登人”(Homogautengensis)。

    The research indicates that this is the earliest ancestors of man discovered by far , which were named Homo gautengensis .

  2. 尽管“豪登人”的牙齿证明他们已经开始食用植物,人类的祖先却绝不是素食主义者。

    Though the teeth of Homo gautengensis proved they had begun to eat plant , the ancestor of man was by no means vegetarian .

  3. 与现代人类相比,“豪登人”前臂较长,面孔突出像黑猩猩一样,牙齿很长,脑容量则较小。

    Compared with modern humans , the new species had proportionally long arms , a projecting face somewhat like a chimp 's , larger teeth , and a smaller brain .