
  • 网络Gouki
  1. 豪鬼:每一次胜利就意味着失去一次死亡的机会

    Gouki : Each victory is a missed opportunity to die

  2. 豪鬼:也许这个世界并不像我想的那样弱。

    Gouki : Maybe this world is not as weak as I thought .

  3. 豪鬼日夜不停地在狱炎岛上修行。

    Akuma trains endlessly day and night on his fortress island Gokuentou .

  4. 因此豪鬼离开了他的岛去追寻新的修行场所

    Thus Akuma journeyed forth from his island in search of new training grounds

  5. 请按,不然豪鬼会输!

    Please press esc , otherwise the secret person may lost with bison !

  6. 然后你就可以和豪鬼对打了!

    Then you will challenge the secret person !

  7. 豪鬼:我不需要得到一个像你这样微不足道的小女孩的帮助!

    Gouki : I need no help from a puny little girl such as yourself !

  8. 就这样,豪鬼继续着他那无尽的征程来满足他对力量的渴求。

    And so Akuma continued his endless and tireless quest to quench his craving for power .

  9. 豪鬼:呣!这个岛已经游客泛滥了!它不再是曾经我修行的理想场所了!

    Gouki : Mmm ! This island has been overrun by tourists ! It is no longer the ideal place for my training it once was !