
  • 网络bainite;bainitic steel
  1. 低碳Mn系空冷贝氏体钢的强韧性优化研究

    Optimization Reasearch on Strength and Toughness of Low Carbon Mn-series Air Cooling Bainitic Steel

  2. 碳和硅对Mn系空冷贝氏体钢回火韧性的影响

    Effect of C and Si on the Toughness of Mn-Series Air Cooling Bainitic Steel After Tempering

  3. 超低C贝氏体钢的进展

    Development of Ultra-low-carbon Bainitic Steels

  4. 超低碳贝氏体钢CO2激光-气体金属弧焊复合焊接成形特性

    Weld Appearance of CO_2 Laser-Gas Metal Arc Hybrid Welding for Ultra-Low Carbon Bainitic Steel

  5. 空冷Mn系强-塑-韧性贝氏体钢长材系列及其产业化

    Air-cooled Mn Series Bainitic Long Steel Product and Its Industrialization

  6. Si对高强度高韧性贝氏体钢冲击磨损性能的影响

    Effect of Silicon on Impact Wear Behavior of High Strength and High Toughness Bainitic Steels

  7. 贝氏体钢精细结构的TEM观察

    TEM observation on the fine structure in Bainitic Steels

  8. 终轧温度对低碳Mn系贝氏体钢性能的影响

    Influence of the Finishing Rolling Temperature on Properties of Low Carbon Mn Bainitic Steels

  9. 本文对提高Si-Mn-Mo系铸造高强度贝氏体钢冲击韧性的途径进行了探讨。

    An improvement of impact toughness in Si-Mn-Mo alloy system high-strength cast Bainitic steels was investigated .

  10. 含共晶体二元金属熔体作用浓度的计算模型Si对团球状共晶体奥氏体-贝氏体钢中贝氏体相变的影响

    Calculating Models of Mass Action Concentrations of Binary Metallic Melts Involving Eutectic Effect of Si on bainitic transformation of austenite bainite steel with nodular eutectic

  11. 用人工神经网络分析Ni含量对新型空冷贝氏体钢CCT图的定量影响

    Quantitative Analysis of Effects of Ni Content on CCT Diagrams of Novel Air-cooled Bainite Steels Using Artificial Neural Network Models

  12. 超低碳贝氏体钢HAZ组织、性能及硼分布

    Microstructure , Property and Boron Distribution of HAZ in An Ultra-low Carbon Bainitic Steel Bearing Cu-Nb-B

  13. 用硼的径迹显微照相技术(PTA)研究了含硼超低碳贝氏体钢的热变形再结晶过程。

    A boron-treated ultra low carbon bainitic steel was investigated by means of particle track autoradiography ( PTA ) technique .

  14. 900MPa含Ti低碳贝氏体钢的研究

    Study on Ti-bearing low carbon bainitic steel with 900 MPa yield strength

  15. 新型Si-Mn贝氏体钢的组织结构和性能

    Study on structures and properties of Si-Mn bainite steel

  16. 控冷处理对中高碳Si-Mn无碳化物贝氏体钢的组织与性能的影响

    Effect of Controlled Cooling Treatment on the Microstructure and Properties of Medium-high Carbon Si-Mn Steels

  17. 用人工神经网络模型分析了Ni含量对新型空冷贝氏体钢的连续冷却转变(CCT)图的定量影响。

    The quantitative effects of Ni content on continuous cooling transformation ( CCT ) diagrams of novel air-cooled bainite steels were analysed using artificial neural network models .

  18. 针对普通低合金钢颚板寿命短的问题,采用控制Mn、Mo含量的方法和空气淬火工艺,得到贝氏体钢。

    The efforts to deal with the short life-span of ordinary low-alloy steel jaw grinder involve the development of bainite steel by introducing Mn and Mo contents-controlling method and air-quenched techniques .

  19. 研究了碳含量(质量分数,下同)为025%,含Si量分别为034%和145%的两种高强度贝氏体钢的冲击磨损行为。

    The impact wear behavior of two high tensile strength bainitic steels with carbon content of 0 25 % and silicon content of 0 34 % and 1.45 % , respectively , has been investigated .

  20. Mo-Nb贝氏体钢的铸态组织与耐磨性研究

    Study on Cast-formation and Wear Resistance of Mo-Nb Bainitic Steel

  21. Mo-Nb贝氏体钢耙片挤压铸造

    Squeeze Cast of Disc Harrow Piece of Mo-Nb Bainite Steel

  22. Si-Mn-Mo系贝氏体钢的CCT图

    CCT-diagram of Si-Mn-Mo alloy system Bainitic Steels

  23. 低碳Mn-B贝氏体钢在汽车前轴上的应用试验

    Application of Low Carbon Mn-B Bainitic Steel to Automobile Front Axle

  24. 高强度锚杆用空冷Mn-B贝氏体钢的研究

    Study on Air-cooled Mn-B Bainitic Steel for High Strength Anchor Bolt

  25. 在超低碳贝氏体钢中,采用弛豫-析出-控制相变(RPC)技术可得到细化的中温转变组织。

    The ultra-fine bainitic microstructure in a high strength low carbon bainitic Mn-Nb-B steel has been obtained by a newly developing relaxation-precipitation-control phase transformation ( RPC ) processing .

  26. 稀土对Mn-RE系贝氏体钢CCT曲线及组织的影响

    Effect of rare earth on CCT curves and microstructure of Mn-RE bainite steel

  27. CSP生产600MPa级低碳贝氏体钢的相变

    Continuous cooling transformation of 600 MPa grade low carbon bainite steel produced by CSP process

  28. 汽车用Mn-B系贝氏体钢的组织和性能

    Microstructure and Properties of Mn-B Series Bainite Steel for Automobile

  29. 铸态低合金Mo-Nb贝氏体钢的研制

    Development of As-Cast Low-Alloyed Mo-Nb Bainite Steel

  30. 研究了新型预硬型贝氏体钢(Y82)的合金设计及性能,分析了合金元素Si,S,Ca的作用。

    Alloying design , properties of pre hardened Bainitic steel ( Y82 ) and the function of alloying elements such as Si , S , Ca were studied .