
fù fǎn kuì
  • negative feedback;degenerative feedback;inverse feedback;inverse back coupling
负反馈 [fù fǎn kuì]
  • [negative feedback] 振荡器的一部分输出在使振幅减小的方式下向输入的返回

负反馈[fù fǎn kuì]
  1. 采用负反馈闭环控制系统,单片机实时将预置值和实测值进行比较、调整控制,提高了电流源的输出精度。

    This design applied degenerative feedback closed loop control system . The MCU compared real-time the preset value with the measuring results , and adjusted the settings , in order to advanced the output precision of the current generator .

  2. 提出了利用压差负反馈平衡阀简化钻孔机的垂直度控制思想,给出了基于SPT图的钻孔机智能控制系统流程图。

    The result is a simplified method to control the verticality of the drill rig mast by the press-error inverse feedback balance valve . The flow chart of the intelligence based on SPT chart is given .

  3. 负反馈网络F的等效电路模型

    An Equivalent Circuit Model of Negative Feedback Network F

  4. 低频负反馈电路噪声性能分析的En-In模型方法

    Approach Based on E_n - I_n Model to Analysis of Noise Performance on Low-Frequency Circuit with Negative Feedback

  5. 普通PCR扩增目的片段;判定电子放大电路中负反馈的一种简明方法

    PCR amplification ; A Simple Method of Discriminating the Negative Feedback in an Electronic Amplification Circuit

  6. 用负反馈控制锁模技术产生ps激光脉冲

    Generation of picosecond pulse by negative feedback-controlled mode-locked nd : glass laser

  7. CyclinG在胃癌组织中对p53-鼠双微基因2的负反馈调节作用

    Negative feedback regulation of Cyclin G on the p53-Mdm2 in gastric cancer tissue

  8. 系统采用双闭环负反馈控制,控制类型选择PI控制。

    The system used double negative feedback , and the type of control is PI control .

  9. IAA与ABA存在较明显的负反馈关系。

    IAA has obvious negative feedback relation with ABA .

  10. 给出了四种负反馈电路反馈系数F的精确计算公式和近似计算公式。

    The precision formula about the feedback factor F of four kind of negative - feedback circuit have been given out .

  11. 它采用了电压闭环负反馈以及有效的PID调节环节和相应的超前校正环节,能保证很小的失真率和快速的动态响应能力。

    The control circuit used very efficient PID modulation and anticipatory control so the power amplifier had little distortion and fast dynamic response .

  12. vanderPol振子在负反馈作用下的动力性态分析

    The Dynamical Behaviour Analysis of the van Der Pol Oscillator with the Negative Feedback

  13. 以电压串联负反馈放大电路为例,证明用戴维宁定理(Thevenin'STHEOREM)对负反馈放大器作单向化变换,不是等效的变换,而且没能起到实质性单向化作用,即受控关系没有消除。

    It is proved that one-way conversion of negative-feedback amplifier by Thevenin 's theorem is not to be equivalent conversion . I is presented .

  14. 小鼠胃中GABA摄取系统的负反馈式自身调节机制

    A possible mechanism for negative feedback autoregulation of GABA uptake system in mouse stomach

  15. 报道了一种利用光电负反馈技术产生开环非经典强度相关光场的串联耦合LED系统。

    A new serial coupled LED system generating open loop nonclassical intensity correlation light field by using a technique of negative feedback is described in the paper .

  16. FSH刺激睾丸产生抑制素B,而抑制素B则通过负反馈抑制垂体分泌FSH。

    Inhibin B production is stimulated by FSH and in turn is part of the negative feedback loop regulating FSH secretion in adult .

  17. 最后应用PD负反馈控制律,对结构进行了振动主动控制。

    Finally , the problem of active vibration control for the piezoelectric intelligent beam structure is studied under the PD negative feedback control .

  18. 以电压串联负反馈为例,采用晶体管的广义h参数,对反馈网络的负载效应做了定量分析。

    Taking the negative feedback with voltage series as an example , the load effect of feedback network is analyzed quantitatively by employing the generalized h parameter of transistor .

  19. 负反馈放大器A(vf)关系式的一种解析推导

    An analytic formula of A - ( vf ) for the negative-feedback amplifier

  20. 抑制素是一种主要由性腺分泌的糖蛋白激素,对FSH起负反馈调节物作用。

    The inhibin , a glycoprotein hormone from gonad , acts as a negative feedback regulator of FSH .

  21. 方法在PET重建的迭代过程中,此种负反馈迭代算法利用最近的一次重建图像来更新有噪声的探测到的发射正弦图数据。

    Methods The CF iterative algorithm was applied to update the noisy detected emission sinogram data using the latest reconstructed image in the iterative process of PET reconstruction .

  22. 结论在CL诱导的癫痫发病中,钙激活钾通道活化可能起重要的负反馈调节作用。

    Conclusion The membranous K Ca activation induced by CL may play an important negative feedback regulating role in the mechanism of epileptogenesis .

  23. 一种计算CFA电压负反馈放大器增益的简便方法

    A Simple Method of Calculation of the Gain of Voltage Negative feedback Amplifier Based on CFA

  24. 采用数字信号处理器(DSP)控制器,设计了具有电压前馈和电流截止负反馈的转速闭环弱磁调速系统。

    The speed adjusting system with field weakening with voltage feedforward , current closed negative feedback and speed closed loop was designed by adopting digital signal processor ( DSP ) .

  25. 负反馈项具连续时滞BAM神经网络的全局指数稳定性

    The Global Exponential Stability of Negative Feedback Terms with Continuous Time-delays of BAM Neural Network

  26. 该直接检测方法引入比例微分环节(PD)作为负反馈,可以补偿滤波环节的延时,显著提高动态响应速度,并具有较好的检测精度。

    In this method , the PD negative feedback is proposed , which can compensate for the inherent delay of LPF and quicken the dynamic response speed evidently .

  27. A20作为一种NF-κB依赖性表达的胞质蛋白,对NF-κB活性有负反馈调控作用,参与了体内炎症反应的调节和凋亡抑制。

    A20 , a NF-KB-dependant cytosolic protein , Could block NF - κ B activation via a negative feedback loop , and participate in the regulation of inflammatory response in vivo .

  28. 从正、负反馈对放大器性能影响出发,分析RC串、并联电路及其对偶电路的频率特性。

    The article analyzes the frequency characteristics of RC series parallel circuits and the symmetrical circuits , through studying the effectiveness of the positive-negative feedback to the amplifier .

  29. “政府可以通过扮演最终支出者的角色,打破实体经济和金融状况之间的负反馈,”imf称。

    " Governments can break the negative feedback between the real economy and financial conditions by acting as spender of last resort , " the IMF said .

  30. 介绍了1~4GHz微波宽带微封装放大器的研制。采用负反馈的设计原理,利用EESOF进行CAD设计。

    This paper describes a 1 ~ 4GHz microwave mini packed amplifier , based on negative feedback principle .