
  • 网络Load Center
  1. 我国能源资源和生产力发展呈逆向分布,西部能源基地与东部负荷中心距离在1000~3000km左右,使得建立长距离、大容量的特高压输电系统成为必然。

    In China , the energy resources distribution is against the productive forces development , the energy base in the west is about 1000 ~ 3000km away from the load center in the east . Therefore , the UHV transmission system with long distance and large capacity should be established .

  2. 安全、难燃防火,无污染,可直接安装在负荷中心;

    Safe , fireproof , no pollution , it can be installed directly on load center ;

  3. 运动负荷中心电图ST段和QT间期离散度改变及对心脏功能的评估价值

    Changes of electrocardiograph ST segment and QT interval during load exercise and its evaluation on cardiac function

  4. GIS变电站比较紧凑和灵活,能够设置在靠近负荷中心的地方,可以更高效地配置高压系统和中压配电网。

    Due to their compactness and flexibility , GIS substations can be located close to load centers , allowing a much more efficient configuration for both the HV system and the MV distribution network .

  5. 通过对机端故障和负荷中心故障进行仿真分析,验证了同步坐标下单机PEBS法是电力系统暂态稳定分析的一种有效方法。

    Analyzing simulation results of the faults which are at generator port and loading center , proof single generator PEBS at synchronism frame is effective method to decide power system transient stability .

  6. 采用高温超导电缆将有可能降低输电电压等级,可以采用220kV高温超导电缆将1GVA以上的电能输入到城市负荷中心,满足特大型城市负荷中心供电需求。

    It is possible to transmit high electric power above 1 GVA to the load centers in downtown areas by 220 kV HTS cables so as to meet the needs for power supply by large cities .

  7. 确定负荷中心的一种解析法

    A Method of Determining the Loads ' Centre

  8. 负荷中心的确定方法

    The Method for Calculating Load Center

  9. 我国东部沿海地区经济发达,是我国的电力负荷中心。

    The eastern coast region is power load center in China as a result of the developed economy .

  10. 提高湖南电网负荷中心暂态电压稳定水平的方式研究

    Research on the Mode of Operation to Improve the Transient Voltage Stability of Load Center of Hunan Province Grid

  11. 作者企图从动力系统最基本的功率传送方程出发,来推导具有多个负荷中心的复杂动力系统的网损计算公式。

    The author attempts to derive the transmission loss formula for a rather complicated power system having multiple load points .

  12. 电解电源是电力系统的重要负荷中心,是国际上电工学界研究的热点内容。

    The electrolysis power is the important load center in power system and the hotspot contents of electrical academe internationally .

  13. 靠近负荷中心的分布式发电系统对配电网有着多方面影响。

    Distributed generation ( DG ) near to load center has several kinds of serious potential impacts on distribution system .

  14. 南京市工业基础雄厚,经济发展较快,是全省的电力负荷中心之一。

    The industry foundation is abundant and the economical development is quick . Nanjing is one of entire province power load centers .

  15. 大负荷中心短路电流超标严重影响电网的安全稳定。

    The short circuit current of large load center that excesses the regulation standard seriously endangers security and stability of power grid .

  16. 变电站站址的选择,要考虑是否靠近负荷中心等多种因素,对变电站选址的决策潮流辨识作了详细的分析。

    The transformer substation station site choice , needs to consider whether approaches the load center and so on many kinds of factors .

  17. 由于较低的输电线路造价,高压直流输电对发电地点远离负荷中心的远距离输电极为经济。

    HVDC transmission is extremely economical for long distances where generation sites are remote from load centers because of lower transmission line costs .

  18. 作为电力系统的重要负荷中心,城市电网配电系统可靠性指标的建立及定量评估有其自身的特点。

    As the important load center of power system , the establishment and evaluation of distribution system 's reliability index has his characteristics .

  19. 在经济上具有占地面积小,移动方便、深入负荷中心,建设周期短、减小浪费等优点。

    Economies are small footprint , easy to move , in-depth load center , short construction period , reduce waste and so on .

  20. 负荷中心单元变电站由变压器、断路器组成,中型电动机、照明和取暖负荷通过断路器获得电力。

    The load-center unit substations are composed of transformers and circuit breakers which distribute power to the medium size motors and lighting and heating loads .

  21. 探讨负荷中心和电源中心两种电磁环网的打开方法;同时也分析打开电磁环网后,带来的缺陷。

    To explore not only the methods but also the shortcomings of breaking out the two electromagnetic loop networkers of load centre and power sources .

  22. 位于湖南省株洲市株洲县太湖乡的龙门厂址,靠近长株潭负荷中心,厂址条件十分优越。

    Longmen site is located in Taihu Township , Zhuzhou City , Zhuzhou County , Hunan Province , which is near the Chang-Zhu-tan load center .

  23. 考虑到建造费用、电能传输能力、山区情况和负荷中心与发电厂的距离,其中部分采用了不换位平行双回线。

    Un-transposed and parallel transmission lines are adopted considering construction cost , power-carrying capacity , mountainous areas and the distance between generation sites and load center .

  24. 将电压从中压变至低压的电厂负荷中心单元变电站,也从厂用母线获得电源。

    Load-center unit substations , where the power is transformed from the medium voltage level to the low voltage level , are also powered from the auxiliary buses .

  25. 高压输电输电线路是电网的动脉,肩负着输送电力从发电站到负荷中心的任务。

    High-voltage electrical power transmission line is the artery of electrical-net , and it undertakes the task to transmission electrical power from power station to the load center .

  26. 它的功能是将自然界的一次能源通过发电动力装置转化为电能,再经输、变电系统及配电系统将电能供应到各负荷中心。

    Its function is a natural energy through the power plant into electricity , and then the transmission and substation systems and power distribution systems will be supplied to the load center .

  27. 城市电网不仅是电力系统的主要负荷中心,更是城市现代化建设的重要基础设施,投资规模巨大,对供电安全性和供电可靠性要求较高。

    As the major load centers of power system and one of the most important urban facilities , urban power network calls for enormous investment , high security and reliability of power supply .

  28. 由于资源分布具有地域性,特别是风能和水能一般远离用电负荷中心,所以需要将电能远距离的输送到负荷中心。

    As the distribution of natural resources has locality , especially wind and water is usually far away from electricity load center , so it is necessary to convey electricity to far load center .

  29. 随着风能、太阳能、生物能等可再生能源开发规模的不断扩大,其固有的分散性、小型性、远离负荷中心等特点日益突显出来。

    With the rapid development of wind , solar and other renewable energy , the characteristic of inherent dispersion , small structure , far from the load centers and so on are constantly exposed .

  30. 城市电网是电力网的重要组成部分和电力系统主要的负荷中心,有着负荷密度大、负荷增长迅速和用电可靠性要求高等特点。

    Urban power system is the main component of power network and the main load center of a load density , and the load to the rapid growth , electricity reliability requirements higher characteristic .