
  • 网络Financial shared services;Finance Shared Service Center
  1. 财务共享服务中心模式浅析

    An Analysis on the Pattern of Financial Shared Service Center

  2. 本章分为两个层次:共享服务与财务共享服务。

    This paragraph consists of two parts – shared service and financial shared service .

  3. 财务共享服务的出现潜移默化地影响了整个财务行业的发展。

    The emergence of Shared Service of Finance and Accounting influenced the whole financial industry .

  4. 我国财务共享服务模式的研究与应用

    Research on Financial Shared Services in China

  5. 如何才能建立一个适合中国国情的财务共享服务中心,日益成为理论和实务界关注的焦点。

    How to build a Center for China financial shared services , increasingly becoming the focus of theory and practice .

  6. 本文首先介绍了财务共享服务的基本理论,并深入分析了发电企业财务管理的现状。

    This paper first introduces financial shared services theory , and then thoroughly analyzes financial management status of the power enterprises .

  7. 如今,财务共享服务已被国外跨国公司广泛应用,并被证实效益显著。

    Today , Financial Shared Services has been widely used in foreign multinational corporations , and it is proved that the benefits are remarkable .

  8. 目前财务共享服务在国内刚刚起步,试行的公司还为数不多,且大部分是外资或合资企业。

    Only a few companies have established a financial shared services center in China , and most of them are foreign-invested companies or joint ventures .

  9. 通过考虑我国企业对加强集中管控目标的特殊需求,构建出适用于当前我国发电企业集团的财务共享服务模式的总体策略。

    To consider special needs on centralized control management target of the enterprises , this paper constructs the overall strategy of financial shared services model in power enterprise group .

  10. 分别从企业建立财务共享服务中心的流程设计、信息系统设计、组织设计和最终的人员设计提出自己的意见。

    Separately from the business of a financial shared services center process design , information systems design , organizational design and , ultimately , to design put forward its own views .

  11. 本文首先阐述财务共享服务相关理论,国内外的研究现状和发展趋势,构建了财务共享服务的理论框架。

    At First , this paper describes the theory of financial shared services , research status and development trends at home and abroad , and theoretical framework for financial shared services .

  12. 财务共享服务在为企业提供高效率和高附加值的财务服务,以及提供相应的财务信息支持管理决策的同时,其在运营过程中也遇到了各种各样的问题。

    While financial shared services are providing high efficiency & high value-added financial services to the enterprise and offering financial information to support leadership on decision-making , it has also encountered various problems during daily operation .

  13. 关于财务共享服务中心新型管理模式的研究,西方发达国家已经进行了近三十年的研究,它首先在跨国公司的实际管理中被应用。

    The research of financial shared services center one of the new management model in the Western developed countries have for nearly three decades , it is first in the actual management of multinational corporations be applied .

  14. 作为一种新型的资源整合管理模式,财务共享服务通过将易于标准化的财务业务进行流程再造与标准化,达到降低成本、提升客户满意度、改进服务质量、提升业务处理效率的目的。

    As a new type of resource integration management , Financial Shared Services make financial operations that easily standardized in process reengineering and standardization , aim to achieve lower cost , increase customer satisfaction , improve service quality and enhance business efficiency .

  15. 近十年间,跨国公司由于对中国市场前景的看好,纷纷选择在中国设立地区总部和共享服务中心,而其中以财务共享服务中心最为普遍。

    In the past decade , multi-national enterprises have paid more attention to China market , and more and more division headquarters and shared services have been set up in China , among which financial shared services are the most common practice .

  16. 而财务共享服务理念的提出和初步实践顺应了财务变革潮流,且为企业整合资源搭建了更广阔的平台,为企业提升管理水平、提高效益提供了有利的支持。

    Financial shared service concept and its ' practice conforms to the trend of the financial reform , and resources to build a broader platform for enterprise consolidation , to upgrade the management level of enterprises , improve the benefits provided enabling support .

  17. 以A发电企业集团为研究对象,详细阐述了建立财务共享服务中心的具体实施框架,使财务共享服务模式的优势得到充分发挥,促进了发电企业集团的可持续发展,并提高了竞争力。

    To A Power Enterprise Group as the research object , this paper discusses specific implementation framework in detail on operating financial shared services center . It fully displays advantages of the financial shared services model , promotes the sustainable development of power enterprise group and enhances competitiveness .