
  • 网络Financial Management Information System;finance management information system;fmis
  1. 文章深入讨论了财务管理信息系统的开发过程,给出了一个由数据库模式和处理模式组成的实际财务模型,以及该模型从概念层、逻辑层向物理层的演化过程。

    The paper makes a thorough investigation about the construction of FMIS , and shows an actual FMM consisting of DB schemas and process mathods as well as its evolution process of that model from conceptual level through logical level resulting in physical schemas .

  2. 开放的决策型财务管理信息系统研究

    Research of Open and Decisive Finance Management Information System

  3. 试论ERP环境下财务管理信息系统

    On Financial Information Administration System Under ERP

  4. 基于EXCEL环境的财务管理信息系统设计探讨

    Approaching the Design of Information System of Financial Management Based on Excel Context

  5. 因此,建设一个全面、高效的FMIS(财务管理信息系统)迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , it is urgent to build a comprehensive and efficient FMIS ( Financial Management Information System ) .

  6. 一个基于集团式企业财务管理信息系统(ACMIS)的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Accounting Mangement Information System in a Corporate Enterprise

  7. FMIS子系统是集成管理资金流、物流和信息流的标准化财务管理信息系统,具有可靠性、真实性和实时性的特征。

    Financial Management Information System is an integrated management of capital flow , logistics and information flow of standardized financial management information system , reliability , authenticity and real-time features .

  8. 本文提出了一种建立在I-net(Internet/Intranet/Extranet)的开放体系结构上的财务管理信息系统模型,并在传统系统的核算体系基础上扩展了其决策功能。

    So this system cannot meet the deep degree and on-time needs of diverse information demanders . This paper raises an open system structure model based on I-net ( Internet / Intranet / Extranet ) and extends traditional system 's decision function on the base of its calculating system .

  9. 介绍了一个基于集团式企业的财务管理信息系统(ACMIS),及在系统设计与实现中所考虑的一些问题,采取的主要技术措施、系统的功能和特点等。

    This paper describes both the accounting management information system ( ACMIS ) in a corporate enterprise and the chief technical measures taken in the design and implementation of the system . The functions and features of the system are introduced .

  10. 财务管理信息系统的面向对象开发方法研究

    Research on the Object Oriented Development Method in Financial Management System

  11. 浅谈医院财务管理信息系统建设

    Talk about the construction of hospital ′ s financial management information system

  12. 基于数据挖掘技术的财务管理信息系统模型

    Information System Model of Financial Management Based on Data Mining

  13. 工作模式对财务管理信息系统关键指标的影响

    Effect of Task Mode on the Key Index of AIS

  14. 浅论军队基本建设财务管理信息系统的建立

    On establishing the information system of troops financial management of capital construction

  15. 构建局域网财务管理信息系统

    Design of Financial Integrated Management Information System Based On Intranet

  16. 山西省高速公路管理局网络财务管理信息系统的实现

    Implementation of Network Financial Management Information System in Shanxi Province Highway Management Office

  17. 高校通用财务管理信息系统功能设计

    The Conception Design of Universal finance Management Information System of Institutes and Universities

  18. 构筑铸造企业财务管理信息系统的必要性

    The Necessity of Constructing the Financial Management Information System in the Casting Enterprise

  19. 财务管理信息系统中总帐子系统的设计实现

    The Design and Realization of General Ledger Subsystem in Finance Management Information System

  20. 一种新的编码方法及其在财务管理信息系统中的应用

    A New Coding Method and its Application in Financial Affairs Management Information System

  21. 而且在高等院校管理中,财务管理信息系统已运用其中。

    And the financial management information system hue been applied to the management of higher education .

  22. 从而完成了适应集团企业快速发展的集中式财务管理信息系统的开发。

    Thus completing the group companies to adapt to the rapid development of the centralized financial management information systems .

  23. 李鸿章与《烟台条约》烟台港财务管理信息系统

    Li Hung-chang and Agreement between the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the Governments of Great Britain and China YT Port Finanical Management Information System

  24. 我国财务管理信息系统经过多年发展,正逐步走向成熟。

    Through so many years of development of the financial management information system in China , it is gradually becoming more and more mature .

  25. 高等院校的财务管理信息系统是高等院校管理的重要内容,高等院校每个处都与财务系统都有紧密的关系。

    The Financial Management Information System is an important part of university management , and it also has a close relationship with each department of university .

  26. 本着集成化、结构化、闭环资金流控制的设计思想提出了的面向集成化资金流管理的财务管理信息系统的结构设计、集成设计的软件设计方案。

    The paper presents the framework design and integration design of software projects for finance management information systems facing to the integration of capital flow management .

  27. 重要的是建立和完善财务管理信息系统;并通过健全财务信息安全防范体系使信息时代财务管理更安全可靠地运行。

    It is the most important to establish and consummate financial management information system and to set up information safety system completely for its safe and reliable running .

  28. 财务管理信息系统的应用为解决这些问题提供了帮助,使得财务管理的核心作用真正得到发挥。

    However , with the application of Financial Management Information System , these problems can be solved well and the core function of the Financial Management is exerted .

  29. 另一方面,财务管理信息系统也要适应改革后的企业新过程和新组织结构,增加异地处理等功能。

    On the other hand , enterprise financial management system should adapt to the departments and agencies after the reform , and also to achieve the remote office functionality .

  30. 本文就是根据财务管理信息系统的发展趋势,以基于IT技术支持的先进财务管理信息系统的运作为对象进行研究的。

    According to the development current of the Financial Management Information System , this paper studies the operation of the advanced Financial Management Information System with the support of IT .