
  • 网络Financial transfer payment system;fiscal transfer payment system;the system of transfer payments
  1. 基于新疆生态补偿的财政转移支付制度的建立

    Establishing Financial Transfer Payment System Based on Compensation Ecology in Xinjiang

  2. 如:完善财政转移支付制度,健全绩效评估体系等。

    Such as : perfect financial transfer payment system , perfecting evaluation system , etc.

  3. 财政转移支付制度国际比较及借鉴国际老人齿科学会

    International comparison and reference on the system of fiscal transfer payment

  4. 促进主体功能区建设的财政转移支付制度设计

    A Design of Transfer Payment System for the Development Priority Zones

  5. 上海财政转移支付制度建设的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration about Fiscal Transfer Payment System Construction in Shanghai

  6. 西部民族地区财政转移支付制度研究

    Research of Finance Transfer Payment Rules in Western Ethnic Area

  7. 论协调区域发展的财政转移支付制度创新

    On Innovation of Transfer Payment System to Coordinate Regional Development

  8. 转轨期间财政转移支付制度的区域均衡效应

    An Analysis of Interregional Equity Effect of Government Fiscal Transfer Payment System

  9. 我国财政转移支付制度绩效的实证分析(2001-2003)

    Empirical Study of the Performance of China s Current Transfer Payment ;

  10. 建立规范的基础教育财政转移支付制度;

    Regulate public finance transfer payment scheme on basic education ;

  11. 第二,完善财政转移支付制度。

    The second issue is to perfect the fiscal fund appropriation system .

  12. 第二章,财政转移支付制度的国际比较与借鉴。

    Secondly , the practice and experience of the fiscal transfer payment abroad .

  13. 目前我国政府间财政转移支付制度很不完善,存在不少问题。

    Now there are many problems in the shifting financial institution between the governments .

  14. 试论地方政府间财政转移支付制度

    A brief discussion of the governmental transfer payment

  15. 财政转移支付制度立法设计的若干技术问题

    Several technical issues on the Legislative design of the financial transfer and payment system

  16. 完善财政转移支付制度;

    Perfecting the financial transferring payment system ;

  17. 规范财政转移支付制度的构想

    The Conception of Standardizing the Transfer System

  18. 农村财政转移支付制度的法律完善

    Legal Perfection of Country Financial Transfer Payment

  19. 建立责任清晰的财政转移支付制度,保障起码的社会公平。

    Establish the financial system of transferring payment with clear responsibility , insure the social equality .

  20. 我国在建立健全教育财政转移支付制度时可借鉴这些经验。

    First it points out the importance of setting up the financial transfer system in education .

  21. 完善财政转移支付制度,规范专项转移支付配套政策。

    We will improve the transfer payment system and standardize the supporting policy for special transfer payments .

  22. 首先,对省以下财政转移支付制度进行了理论分析。

    First , a theoretic analysis on the fiscal transfer payment system under province level was performed .

  23. 省以下财政转移支付制度问题研究

    A Study on the Transfer System under the Provincial Level and the Transfer System of Guangdong Province

  24. 主要分析了规范和完善我国财政转移支付制度和相关政策。

    The author mainly analyses how to regulate and consummate financial transfer payments system and some related policies .

  25. 调整中央和地方的利益分配关系,建立规范的财政转移支付制度;

    Balancing the interest allocation between central and local govenments ; establishing standard system of financial transferring payment ;

  26. 健全财政转移支付制度是推动地方财力均衡目标实现的重要举措;

    It is an important measure to perfect the transferring system in order to balance the local financial resources .

  27. 再次,我国义务教育财政转移支付制度的可行模式是以县为单位进行义务教育经费供求测算,在此基础上进行财政转移支付。

    Take the country as the basis unit to have the financial transfer payment system . Also , according to this .

  28. 义务教育财政转移支付制度是完善义务教育资源配置的一种配套制度。

    The transferred-payment system of compulsory education finance is an auxiliary one that improves the deployment of the compulsory education resources .

  29. 我国目前的财政转移支付制度缺乏合理、完善的制度规范,并且存在很多问题,西部少数民族地区财政转移支付的问题尤为突出。

    The financial transfer payment system of China is short of a reasonable and perfect system specification . Especially in western minority .

  30. 我国现行财政转移支付制度还存在许多弊端,规范和完善我国财政转移支付制度刻不容缓。

    This thesis analyses the disadvantages of our current transfer payment system , and puts forward some important measures to improve it .