
cái fá
  • Chaebol;plutocrat;tycoon;financial magnate;financial oligarch
财阀 [cái fá]
  • [financial magnate;plutocrat;tycoon] 在金融上能进行垄断的资本家。一般指金融寡头

  • 这些日本财阀在1937年以前在很大程度上抵消了军事影响

财阀[cái fá]
  1. 从SK集团的丑闻透视韩国财阀经济的变迁

    A critical scrutiny into the change in Korean financial magnate ( chaebols ) economy against the scandal of SK Group

  2. 韩国财阀企业走向没落的启示

    Enlightenment from Tycoon Enterprises Declining in Korea

  3. 他声明了自己对工人的同情,并谴责了财阀和游手好闲的富人,其言辞之厉令这些人惶惶不安。

    He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers , and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm .

  4. 相反,紧张气氛持续升级,部分原因在于大型企业集团(即财阀(zaibatsu))是刺激方案的最大赢家。

    On the contrary , tensions continued to rise , partly as the large conglomerates , or zaibatsu , were the biggest winners from stimulus .

  5. 韩国一直在设法应对外国投资者在其商业领域日益增强的地位,而该行业曾是家族财阀(chaebol)和国营企业的天下。

    South Korea has been grappling with the growing role of foreign investors in its business sector , once the preserve of family-run chaebol and state-operated companies .

  6. 在最近一份有关韩国初创企业的报告中,咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)把财阀缺乏收购小公司的兴趣列为阻碍对小公司投资以及减缓资本和人力资源流通的一个重要因素。

    In a recent report on South Korean start-ups , the consultancy McKinsey cited the chaebols ' lack of interest in acquiring small companies as a major factor deterring investment in the latter and slowing the circulation of capital and human resources .

  7. 在最近一份有关韩国初创企业的报告中,咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)把财阀缺乏收购小公司的兴趣列为阻碍对小公司投资以及减缓“资本和人力资源流通”的一个重要因素。

    In a recent report on South Korean start-ups , the consultancy McKinsey cited the chaebols " lack of interest in acquiring small companies as a major factor deterring investment in the latter and slowing " the circulation of capital and human resources . "

  8. 在国外,“财阀”(Chaebol)是韩国的骄傲,但在国内,它们却被很多人视为商业界的霸王,人们指责它们压榨供应商,连累小企业破产。

    Chaebol conglomerates , the pride of the nation abroad , are considered by many to be economic bullies at home , blamed for squeezing suppliers and pushing small businesses into bankruptcy .

  9. 韩国财阀对旨在抑制其权力的企图进行了激烈抵制。

    The chaebol have vehemently resisted attempts to curb their power .

  10. 从财阀结构的变迁中,分析财阀组织结构发展变化的内在逻辑。

    The logic of zaibatsu organizational structure development is also discussed .

  11. 到了该终结财阀统治的时候了。

    It 's time we put an end to plutocracy .

  12. 难道他已经成了芝加哥最有势力的财阀吗?

    Was he already the dominant money power in Chicago ?

  13. 财阀职业经理人的作用。

    The role of salaried managers in the zaibatsu .

  14. 我们不能再对那些腐化堕落的政客和财阀们唯命是从了!

    We can 't dance to the tune of corrupt politicians and capitalists !

  15. 财阀的组织结构。

    Organizational structures of the zaibatsu and its development .

  16. 俄罗斯石油大并购私有化与俄罗斯大财阀的形成

    RUSSIA Large Mergence between Oil Giants in Russian

  17. 赫斯特先生还开展了反对大财阀的运动。

    Mister Hearst also campaigned against big business .

  18. 富豪阶级,财阀控制一个政府的富有阶级。

    A wealthy class that controls a government .

  19. 如果人人都活在企业财阀的阴影下,而规避风险,创新就不会到来。

    Innovation is not going to come if everyone shelters from risk in the chaebol .

  20. 许多韩国人相信新闻界讨好“财阀”是因为顾及他们作为广告客户的影响力。

    Many in South Korea believe the press coddles the chaebols because of their clout as advertisers .

  21. 在日本,银行通常是交叉联结持有股份的实体,被称为财阀。

    In Japan , banks are usually the nexus of cross share holding entity known as zaibatsu .

  22. 其他16家创新中心也都由韩国领先财阀之一运营。

    Each of the other 16 centres has been put under one of the country 's leading chaebols .

  23. 但到人们把保尔森纾困方案解读成华尔街财阀的安全网,情况就不一样了。

    Until , that is , the Paulson plan was re-described as a safety net for Wall Street plutocrats .

  24. 不知是出于精心策划还是纯属偶然,英国已经成为了全球财阀们的服务中心。

    Where by design or accident , Britain has chosen to be the service center for the global plutocracy .

  25. 因此在大多数情况下,都选择三井、三菱和住友财阀的例子来予以说明和分析。

    So in most of the cases , Mitsui and Mitsubishi are selected as examples for explanation and analysis .

  26. 一些改革得以实施,一些财阀走向破灭,其中最引人注目的就是大宇。

    Some reforms were made , and some of the chaebol went under , the most spectacular collapse being Daewoo .

  27. 此外,交叉持股限制也会放宽,允许财阀附属公司最多持有关联公司40%的股份。

    Furthermore , the cross-shareholding limit will be relaxed to allow companies to hold up to 40 per cent in affiliates .

  28. 其次,本文重点分析了俄罗斯的大财阀是如何在证券私有化和现金私有化的过程中产生的;

    Secondly , it focused on how Russian financial oligarchs have formed through the process of Stock Privatization and Cash Privatization .

  29. 结果证明,如果财阀们用财富来解决社会争议话题,美国对此也非常敏感。

    America , it turns out , can also be sensitive to plutocrats using their wealth to address socially contentious subjects .

  30. 现任总统卢武铉曾承诺说要摧毁财阀们的势力;但他什么也没做。

    The current president , Roh Moo-hyun , promised to break the power of the chaebols ; he has done nothing .