
bài yù
  • abortion
败育[bài yù]
  1. 水稻败育过程中花粉DNA和蛋白质含量的研究

    On the Contents of Pollen DNA and Protein in Rice During Abortion

  2. GA3和乙烯利处理对杏花败育的影响

    Effects of GA_3 and Ethylene on Abortion of Apricot Flower

  3. 玉米基因雄性不育系(ms2/ms2)小孢子败育的细胞学研究

    Cytological Studies on Microspore Abortion in Genie Male-Sterile Line ( ms_2 / ms_2 ) of Corn

  4. 所以,胚轧败育是导致F1植株低育的主要原因。

    It seems that endosperm abortion is the major cause of low seed set in F_1 plants from T.

  5. (亚洲棉×比克氏棉)F1双二倍体不育系的花粉败育机理研究

    Study on the Sterile Mechanism for the Sterile Line of the ( G. arboreum × G.bickii ) F_1 Amphiploid

  6. FlameSeedless葡萄胚珠、胚乳及胚发育与败育的研究

    Development and Abortion of the Ovules , Endosperms and Embryos of Flame Seedless Grape

  7. 低温处理后,3个品种小孢子的异常率以及花粉和花药的败育率都以E品种最高,X品种次之,N品种最低。

    The abnormal rate of formation and development of microspore pollen and anther abortion are highest in E , next in X , lowest in N.

  8. 初步认为该品种败育属胞质雄性不育类型(CMS)。

    The kind of abortion was considered as cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) .

  9. 本文报导杉木种子涩籽胚败育过程中过氧化物酶同工酶活性及脂质过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化。

    This paper deals with the changes of peroxidase isozymes activity and malondialdehyde ( MDA ) content in aborted seed of Chinese-fir .

  10. 结果表明,R间断诱导雌性败育,延迟现蕾和开花;

    The results showed that female sterile was induced and flower budding and flowering were deferred by R-breaking while these effects were reversed by FR-breaking and female became fertile .

  11. 龙眼(DimocarpusLonganLour.)种子败育的蛋白质组学研究

    Proteomic Analysis of Longan ( Dimocarpus Longan Lour . ) Seed Abortion

  12. 第3次与胚的败育造成CTK、GAs和IAA的全面下降有关;

    The third occurred in the initial stage of embryo abortion with the obvious decrease of IAA , GAs , and CTK .

  13. 3N×2N的传粉受精过程及胚胎败育分析;

    Reproductive behavior of autotriploid and embryo development of pollination process of 3N X 2N .

  14. 不育花药中H2O2的积累和膜脂过氧化的加剧可能与花粉败育有关。

    It is concluded that the accumulation of H_2O_2 and higher level of lipid peroxidation in GMS anthers may be related to pollen abortion in CMS lines of rice .

  15. 从细胞学的角度对小麦83(21)35核背景的T型、V型和K型细胞质雄性不育系的花粉败育机理进行了研究。

    The pollen abortion processes of cms-T , V and K in wheat with the same nuclear background ( 83 ( 21 ) 35 ) were studied cytologically by light microscopy .

  16. 花粉败育的原因可能是酶代谢失调,导致SOD和CAT活性下降、活性氧积累、膜系统损伤。

    The reasons resulting in microspore abortion of alloplasm was the decrease of activities of SOD and CAT , and damage of membrane systems led by accumulated active oxygen .

  17. POD和CAT酶活性降低,导致花蕾中自由基清除受阻,膜脂过氧化,从而导致油菜雄性败育。

    The decrease of activity of POD and CAT made the process of free radical scavenging blocked , and membrane lipid peroxidation , so lead to male sterility in rapeseed . 4 .

  18. 不育系花药败育,呼吸弱,颖内CO2浓度不易提高是其开颖不整齐的主要原因。

    But the anthers of malesterile line were abortive , and their respiratory rate was very low . So the main reason for unevenness of the spikelet-open was that CO_2 concentration inside spikelets was difficult to increase .

  19. 不同苎麻雌性不育材料表现败育的部位及时期均不一致。PFS为花芽分化期的花被形成到心皮缝合时期,表现为花芽的死亡;

    The PFS ramie sterile from the stage of flower bud differentiation period to carpel stiching stage , representing floral bud death ;

  20. 叶片中ZR含量变化随着基因型不同而有差异,而在幼穗与花药中,在花药败育的关键时期,即单核期至三核期ZR含量都高于对照;

    The ZR content varied with different genotypes in the leaves , while in the spikes and anthers , it was higher than CK from mononucleate to trinucleate stage ;

  21. 取得的主要结果如下:1.以无核葡萄胚珠败育过程全长cDNA文库库液为模板,利用A-T克隆法得到7个MADS-Box基因。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . Seven MADS-Box cDNA sequences were cloned from the ovule-abort cDNA library .

  22. 温度和日长对安农S-1育性的影响及其花粉败育的机理

    Effects of temperature and daylength on fertility of " an Nong s-1 " and the mechanism of its pollen abortion

  23. 玉米细胞质不育系JnA的分组鉴定和花粉败育观察

    Observation on Pollen Abortion and Classification of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Inbred JnA in Maize

  24. 在败育胚珠中其含量及IAA氧化酶活性均显著高于正常胚珠,IAA水平则明显低于正常胚珠(P<0.01)。

    In abortive ovules , p-HBA content and IAA oxidase activity were much higher ; IAA content was much lower than those in normal ovules ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 同时整合Cre重组酶基因和Barnase基因的部分T1代转基因植株经过热激诱导后大部分花粉败育。

    Most of pollen in T1 generation transgenic lines with barnase and Cre gene were sterile after heat shock treatment .

  26. 在花药败育高峰期(花粉母细胞减数分裂期),与CMS相关的线粒体基因在不育系花药中的表达量要显著低于保持系。

    At the peak of anther abortion ( Pollen mother cell meiosis stage ), the expression level of CMS-associated mitochondrial gene in sterile anther was significantly lower than that in maintainer anther . 3 .

  27. 本文从线粒体基因组、线粒体基因、线粒体转录RNA、线粒体蛋白、转基因植物以及花粉败育机理六个方面详细介绍了植物细胞质雄性不育分子生物学研究的技术和方法。

    The technology and methods of the study on molecular mechanism of Cytoplasm Male Sterility ( CMS ) are introduced in regard to mitochondrial genome , mitochondrial gene , mitochondrial RNA , mitochondrial protein , transformed plants and abortion of pollen .

  28. 原生质体融合技术能有效克服柑橘有性杂交不亲和、雌和/或雄性败育以及珠心胚干扰等问题,实现核DNA和胞质DNA重组,为柑橘遗传改良提供了一条新的途径。

    Somatic hybridization via protoplast fusion is a new alternative for circumventing some reproductive barriers in citrus traditional breeding , such as sexual incompatibility , female and / or male sterility and polyembryony , and it can also realize novel combinations of nuclear and / or cytoplasmic genomes .

  29. 玉米CMS-S小孢子败育过程中的细胞程序性死亡

    Programmed Cell Death during Abortion of Microspore in S-type Cytoplasmically Male-sterile Maize

  30. ABA含量因发育时期而异,但在不育系的花粉败育时期,F1花药组织中ABA含量和恢复系相当,二者都大大低于不育系。

    The content of ABA varied from development stage . At the stage of pollen abortion , its level in the anther of F 1 was as much as in the restorer and lower than sterile line .