
  • 网络currency funds control
  1. 集团公司货币资金控制模式浅析

    Analysis on the Currency Funds Control Mode of the Group Company

  2. 货币资金控制直接影响着企业集团经营和财务活动的效率。

    The currency funds control has the direct influence on the efficiency of the operation and financial activity of the group company .

  3. 企业货币资金控制管理之我见

    My Opinion on Control and Management of Enterprise Money Fund

  4. 货币资金控制是企业理财的重要内容。

    Capital control is important for an enterprise .

  5. 货币资金控制是指企业为保证货币资金信息的准确、可靠而采取的一系列相互制约与协调的方法、措施和程序。

    Money-capital control refers to a series of methods and processes of coordinating and conditioning one another in order to ensure the exact and reliable information about money-capital .

  6. 第五部分对高校内部会计控制的业务控制活动进行了研究,重点讨论了货币资金控制、预算管理控制、经费支出控制、筹资与债务风险控制。

    The fifth part of the university control of internal accounting control of the business activities of the research , focusing on the monetary funds control , budget management and control , expenditure control , debt financing and risk control .

  7. JGS学院后勤集团货币资金内部控制的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Internal Control on Monetary Capital for Logistics Group of JGS College

  8. 关于A公司货币资金内部控制的探讨

    The Research on Internal Control of Cash in Company A

  9. 邮政企业货币资金内部控制审计研究

    A Research on Internal Control and Audit of Currency Funds in Postal Enterprises

  10. 浅析货币资金内部控制制度的建立

    Analysis of Establishment of System of Internal Control of Monetary Fund in Company

  11. 货币资金内部控制要点及实证分析

    Discuss the Internal Control of Currency Funds

  12. 货币资金内部控制与审计浅探

    Internal Control and Audit over Monetary Fund

  13. 企业应通过建立货币资金定量控制模型,对货币资金存量进行控制,以满足财务适应性的要求。

    The enterprise can control its reserve of cash capital through establishing a capital ration controlling model .

  14. 货币资金定量控制模型研究

    On Capital Ration Controlling Model

  15. 以西南油气田分公司为例探讨企业货币资金内部控制的重点和方法。

    The focal point and method for internal control for an enterprise 's monetary capital are analyzed with Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company as example .

  16. 联系企业实际,通过对当前企业货币资金内部控制中存在问题的分析,才能提出加强企业货币资金内部控制的对策。

    The problems in the current internal control of monetary fund of the enterpriser are analyzed and some measures are proposed to improve the current system .

  17. 从货币资金内部控制制度现状,剖析货币资金管理存在问题的原因;

    Based on the present situation of internal control of monetary fund in company , analyzed the reasons which resulted in the problems in monetary fund management .

  18. 通过货币资金内部控制,确保企业货币资金安全、完整,生产经营活动正常有效地运行。

    It is made sure that money fund is safe and complete , production management activity runs normally and effectively , with the internal control of money fund .

  19. 调查主要围绕企业实务中现金开支审批权的分配、现金开支审批权限的划分和内部银行制度等三个货币资金内部控制实务问题。

    This research mainly focuses on the distribution of the authority of cash control , the range of control of every administrative level and the system of internal bank .

  20. 介绍了货币资金内部控制的目标,就如何加强高校事业单位货币资金的内部控制进行了探讨。

    This paper introduces the targets of the internal control of the monetary fund , and probes into how to strengthen the internal control of institution 's monetary fund in university .

  21. 本文认为,在货币资金内部控制方面,企业可以通过设立内部银行或内部资金结算中心的方式,来加强资金集中管理。

    This paper argues that internal controls in the money funds , companies can set up internal resources within the bank or clearing house approach , to strengthen the centralized management of funds .

  22. 然而,随着医院采购舞弊、门诊虚假退费、住院押金私自挪用等案件的相继发生,暴露出了公立医院内部控制尤其是货币资金内部控制存在重大缺陷。

    However , with the hospital outpatient false refund , hospitalization deposit funds used cases occurred , has exposed the hospital internal control , especially the major defects of internal control of monetary fund .

  23. 财务内控由组织控制法、授权控制法、预算控制法、货币资金内部控制法、应收与暂付款控制法、固定资产控制法、教育事业收入控制法构成。

    Financial internal control is made up of organization control , authority control , budge control , currency fund internal control , due and temporary fund control , fixed assets control and educational income control .

  24. 依据相关管理规范,提出了邮政企业货币资金内部控制审计的工作流程以及货币资金内控审计实施的主要内容。

    According to relevant management regulation , it brings forward the working process of internal control audit in postal enterprises and the main contents during the execution of internal control and audit of currency funds .

  25. 烟草企业主要从事烟草生产和经营的企业,因此烟草企业内部控制应主要抓好货币资金的控制、销售与收款控制、库存控制、采购与付款控制、成本与费用控制等五方面的内容。

    Since the tobacco enterprises mainly deal with the production and business of tobacco , the interal control for tobacco enterprises is concerned with the control of cash flow , sales , inventory , purchas and cost .

  26. 建立健全的货币资金内部控制制度,保证货币资金的安全完整,收付合理合法,是企业发展的必然要求。

    So it is the requirement of the development for the enterprises to build a healthy currency capital inter-control system , guarantee that the currency capital safe and integrated and make the receipt and payment legal and reasonable .

  27. 阐述了公司治理结构与货币资金内部控制的含义,分析了公司治理结构与货币资金内部控制的关系,探讨了我国公司治理结构的特殊性。

    This paper expounds the connotations of corporate administration structure and internal control of monetary fund , analyzes on the relation between corporate administration structure and internal control of monetary fund , and probes into the particularity of Chinese corporate administration structure .

  28. 因此,货币资金的内部控制尤为重要。

    Therefore , the monetary fund of the internal control is particularly important .

  29. 论货币资金的内部控制与审计监督

    Discussion on internal control and audit to monetary resources

  30. 浅谈货币资金的内部控制

    MONEY HISTORICAL Simple Discussion Internal Control of Pecuniary Resources