
  1. 以T型细胞质和普通小麦胞质作比较,研究了K、V型异源细胞质对1B·1B/1R杂合核型染色体配对的影响。

    Meanwhile , compared with T type cytoplasm , the effect of alien cytoplasms on the chromosome pairing of 1B · 1B / 1R hetero nucleus was studied .

  2. 本文的循环采用环保型非共沸混合工质作制冷剂,利用精馏装置分离高沸点、润滑油与低沸点组分。

    The rectifying column is employed to separate high boiling component , low boiling component and lubricant .

  3. 为了使该算法更加具有可操作性,引入了信号奇异熵的概念,并对其实质作了深入的分析,同时也对其定义的不足之处作了改进。

    To improve the efficiency of this method , the definition of singular entropy is introduced 、 analyzed and improved .

  4. 利用耐火质废料作集料配制500℃耐热混凝土

    Making up 500 ℃ heat-resistant concrete by utilizing waste firebrick as aggregate

  5. 中国荷斯坦奶牛产奶量与乳品质互作关系探讨

    Study on Relationship between Milk Yield and Milk Quality of Chinese Holstein Dairy Cow

  6. 结合礁顶部覆盖有连片分布的巨厚的三叠系泥质岩作区域盖层,礁油气藏即可形成。

    A great thickness and stable distribution of Triassic shale was overlying the reef as a regional caprock .

  7. 在该部分中,首先介绍了我国法律上对股权质押设立要件的规定;其次对我国法上有关股权设质规定作了探讨。

    In this part , it first introduces the provisions in Chinese law on the creation of share pledge .

  8. 选择石油改质沥青作炼焦煤料的添加剂,分别以新日铁和住友配型煤炼焦工艺进行了炼焦试验。

    Asphalt is selected as coking charge additive in the coking tests carried out respectively as per NSC and Sumitomo briquette coal blending processes .

  9. 粘粒含量较少的轻、中粉质壤土作冲填土料修建水坠坝,在黄土高原地区已被广泛应用。

    Light loam and medium loam with less clay particles as fill earth had been extensively used in the construction of hydraulic fill dam in the Loess Plateau region .

  10. 体细胞克隆不仅在发育生物学、基因调控、核-质互作等基础方面具有重要的理论研究价值,而且在生物医药、家畜繁育等应用方面具有巨大的商业潜力。

    The somatic clone not only have important value on Development Biology , gene regulation and nucleo-cytoplasm corresponding , but also have application and economic prospect in biological medicine and livestock breeding .

  11. 试验研究还认为,只要解决好渗透稳定问题,做好反滤保护,砾质土作心墙防渗体是可行的。

    In this article the conclusion was got from some experiments and researches that the crux of the matter is to solve the seepage stability of the soil and it is possible that gravelly soil is made into impervious core with the protection of filter .

  12. 污泥含有N、P、K及多种微量元素和大量有机质,可用作肥料和土壤改良剂而具有正效应;

    Abstract Sewage sludge contains plenty of organic matter and N , P , K as well as many kinds of trace elements . It can be used as a fertilizer and soil conditioner for plant growth .

  13. 双向同步选育油菜质核互作型不育系7103A的研究

    Two-way Synchronization Breeding Research on Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line 7103A in Rape

  14. 1982年在普通小麦春冬杂交组合阿彭13/75&1297的F1中发现部分不育株,经初步研究确定,是不同于提型的质核互作雄性不育系,称临型不育系,以Ls表示。

    Some complete male sterile plants were discovered in F1 of a hybridized combination , A-PENG 13 / 75-1297 of common spring and winter wheat in 1982 . After preliminary research , it is determined to be a nucleo-cyto plasmic interaction A-line that is different from the Timopheevi-type .

  15. 水稻质核互作孢子体雄性不育性的基因分析

    Genetic analysis for the cytoplasmic-nuclear sporophytic male sterility in Rice

  16. 采用陶土质缸瓦管作送风风道的新尝试

    New Attempt of Using Stoneware Pipes for Wind Conveying

  17. 双低品质性状及不育性状的质核互作效应遗传性稳定。

    The double low traits and male sterility of Ning A6 are stable .

  18. 添加胶凝材料改质磷石膏作水泥缓凝剂的新工艺

    New technology for modification of phosphogypsum by adding gelatinizing material to produce cement retarder

  19. 棉花的雄性不育主要分为两种主要类型:质核互作雄性不育和核雄性不育。

    There are two main types in cotton : cytoplasmic-nuclear male sterility and nuclear male sterility .

  20. 质核互作雄性不育由于恢复系的局限性,在生产上应用较少。

    Because the limitations of cytoplasmic male sterility , the application in the production is limited .

  21. 在质核互作不育类型利用上,介绍了洋葱和细香葱的最新研究进展;

    In the using of CMS , the latest research progresses of onion and chive have been presented .

  22. 质核互作型雄性不育系的选育是三系杂交水稻选育的重要环节。

    Developing elite cytoplasmic male sterile ( CMS ) lines are key step in three-line system hybrid rice breeding program .

  23. 高粱A1型质核互作雄性不育性的遗传及建立恢复系基因型鉴别系可能性的商榷

    Discussion About the Inheritance of A , Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and the Establishment of Distinguishing Line of Restoring Genotype in Sorghum

  24. 在不育细胞质背景相同的条件下,不育系的恢复特性还决定于特定的质核互作。

    On the condition that same CMS cytoplasmic background , restorability of CMS lines was also decided by special nucleus-cytoplasm interaction .

  25. 对含盐多孔材料内部温度、质度分布作了现场测定和数值模拟。

    The heat and mass coupling equation system to the porous saline materials in one-dimensional temperature and mass degree field was established .

  26. 推移质颗粒多半作间歇运动,而大部分时间则停歇在河床上。

    Bed load particles move spasmodically , perhaps at long intervals , and are at rest on the stream bed most of the time .

  27. 本文用自行设计、制造的蚕茧干燥设备对蚕茧干燥工艺条件与茧质关系问题作了初步探讨。

    The relation between the technological conditions of cocoon drying process and the quality of cocoons has been studied in this paper with the cocoon drying machine designed and made by ourselves .

  28. 但是,刑事诉讼相关法律并没有对质证程序和质证规则作详细规定,理论上、审判实践中也没有一致的观点,质证制度的作用并没有得到有效发挥。

    But , the related laws of criminal litigation and regulations do not make detailed regulations on cross examination procedure and cross examination regulation . In theory , and judicial practice it does not reach the consistent view .

  29. 质核互作雄性不育性由细胞质不育基因(S)和两对隐性细胞核基因(r1r1r2r2)控制,为孢子体不育的典败类型。

    The CNMS of wild abortive cytoplasm ( WA ), which is controlled by the cytoplasm male sterile gene ( S ) and two pairs of recessive nuclear genes ( r 1r 1r 2r 2 ), is the sporophyte male sterile and typic power sterile type .

  30. 计算结果表明:采用氦气作气体工质、用聚酯作谐振管时,壁面与气体微团的温差比较大,弛豫引起的耗散较小。

    The computing results showed that when the gas is helium and the resonator is made of polyester , the temperature difference between the wall of the resonator and the gas parcel is bigger and the relaxation dissipation is smaller .