
  1. 在质量成本预测方法上,提出了适用于现阶段建筑工程质量成本预测的新方法,主要将粗集理论,支持向量回归模型应用到质量成本预测中,运用MATLAB软件对模型进行实现。

    In the quality cost prediction methods , the new methods of rough set theory , support vector regression model was applied to the forecast of quality cost , puts forward the scientific accuracy of the prediction model which was realized in the MATLAB languages .

  2. 建筑施工企业质量成本预测及管理方案决策研究

    Research on Quality Cost Prediction and Management Scheme Decision of Construction Enterprise

  3. 基于云模型的企业质量成本预测

    Prediction of enterprise quality cost based on cloud model

  4. 质量成本预测和管理方案决策的方法与应用研究

    A Study of the Method and Application on Quality Cost Prediction and Management Plan Decisions

  5. 工程质量成本预测是一门新兴的学科,对建筑工程质量成本管理起着巨大的影响。

    Quality cost prediction is a new discipline , plays a huge impact on the Construction cost Management .

  6. 进行质量成本预测方法研究,建立预测模型,做工程实例的对比预测,分析各方法的优劣及适用情况。

    To study the prediction methods of quality cost , to establish prediction model , to analyze the superiority , inferiority , and adaptability of every method .

  7. 质量成本预测的实施为建筑工程质量成本管理提供依据,同时也有利于及时发现建筑工程项目的质量成本管理问题。

    The implementation of quality cost prediction provides provide the basis for the Construction quality cost prediction , but also conducive to timely detection of the quality cost management issues .

  8. 建筑工程质量成本预测作为工程项目质量成本管理六大环节之一,是其他环节有效实施的基础;其还是质量成本管理者进行决策方案选择的依据。

    As one of the six links of the quality cost management of the project , the quality cost forecasting of construction projections is the basis of the effective implementation of the other links and it also is the basis of cost of quality managers in decision-making options .

  9. 并且以施工质量成本CQ的预测为实例,证明灰色马尔可夫预测模型对于随机波动性较大的施工质量成本的数据列的预测具有一定的准确性和应用性。

    The example shows that the grey Markov prediction model can have certain prediction precision and application for the random and fluctuating data series of the quality cost in construction .

  10. 开展工程质量成本控制,应做好质量成本预测、计划、核算、分析、考核和报告等工作。

    To control the engineering quality cost control , the following work should be carried out : quality cost projection , plan , accounting , analysis , assessment and report .

  11. 质量成本管理是企业动员与质量职能有关的部门和职工对质量成本进行的预测、计划、核算、分析、控制和考核等环节所进行的一系列的组织和活动。

    The quality cost management is the series activities of organization of employees and departments concerned to predict , plan , account , analyse , control and examine the quality cost .

  12. 分析工程项目质量成本前期规划阶段的工作内容与方法,重点在研究BP神经网络方法原理的基础上,探讨采用改进的BP神经网络对工程项目质量成本进行预测。

    This paper analyses the contents and methods of tasks of the antecedent planning stage of project quality-cost management . The emphasis is to use BP neural network to forecast project quality-cost on the base of BP neural network research . 4 .