
  • 网络purchase intention;purchase intent;willingness to buy;buying intention;intention to buy
  1. 本研究采用实验设计和问卷调查的方法,使用整体商店价格形象评价与购买意愿的问卷,研究对象为220位大学在校生和MBA。

    Based on the experimental design and survey methods , we use the overall store image and purchase intention questionnaire designed for 196 college students .

  2. 因此研究B2C购物网站的消费者购买意愿显得迫切而重要。B2C购物网站具有双重性质。

    Therefore , it is urgent and important to study the consumer purchase intention of B2C shopping site.B2C shopping site has a dual characteristic .

  3. •iPhone的再次购买意愿比率要高于其他品牌的智能手机。

    • intended repurchase rate for iPhone is higher than other smartphones .

  4. B2C网站服务质量对消费者购买意愿影响研究

    The Study on the Relationship of B2C Website Service Quality and Consumer Purchasing Intention

  5. 请买方提供LOI(购买意愿书)和BCL(资金证明)给卖方。

    Please buyer provides LOI and BCL to seller .

  6. 在不同的背景变量下,C2C消费者的感知风险与购买意愿也不尽相同。

    While the different background variables , the C2C consumers ' risk perception and purchasing intention vary .

  7. 将影响消费者购买意愿的所有影响因素作为输入层,购买意愿作为输出层,建立BP神经网络预测模型,预测精度为97.6%。

    The BP neural network is built by using all factors that affect the intention to purchase intention been used as input layer , and purchase intention as the output layer , with a prediction accuracy of 97.6 % .

  8. 面对3G技术的日趋完善、消费者日趋变化的个性需求,如何通过影响消费者的感知从而诱发其购买意愿的形成,将对移动增值业务的推广起到至关重要的作用。

    Facing the mature of 3G technologies and increasingly changing individual needs , how to influence consumer perceptions and thus inducing the formation of behavior intention will play a crucial role on promoting the value-added mobile services .

  9. 将与购买意愿有显著相关性的13个因素作为自变量,购买意愿作为因变量,建立Logistic回归模型,预测精度为80.8%。

    The research use the 13 factors that are significant correlated with intention to purchase as independent variables , and intention to purchase as dependent variables , builds up the logistic regression model , with a prediction accuracy of 80.8 % .

  10. 第三,结果表明在B2C市场中消费者对中介的信任对态度忠诚和购买意愿都有影响,然而消费者对卖方的信任则对二者无影响。

    Third , the results show that consumers in the B2C market in the trust mediator of attitudes impact loyalty and purchase intentions are , but consumer confidence is on both the seller had no effect .

  11. 基于Hotelling线性城市模型,以双寡头序贯进入为分析背景,模型化了品牌忠诚影响产品差异化的两种方式:造成转换成本及影响消费者的购买意愿。

    Based on the Hotelling linear city model , this paper established a model on the ground of duopoly sequential entering to analyze brand loyalty 's two kinds of effect , one was to induce transferring cost , the other was to influence consumer 's willing of purchase .

  12. 新浪网报道,在法国戛纳举行的国际秋季电视节(Mipcom)影展上,《甄嬛传》电视剧和电视电影的英文版受到许多海外知名电视台的喜爱,得到许多媒体的关注,并且多家电视台表达其购买意愿。

    The English version of Empresses in the Palace , both drama and TV movie , was favored by many well-known overseas television stations in Mipcom in France , receiving strong attention from various media and achieving purchase intention with many television stations , Sina news reported on Monday .

  13. 那么,品牌个性究竟能不能影响消费者的购买意愿呢?

    Furthermore , does brand personality affect customers ' purchase intentions ?

  14. 品牌拥护对重复购买意愿影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Impact of Brand Advocacy upon Repurchase Intentions

  15. 同时消费者民族中心主义对产品购买意愿有显著的直接影响。

    And CET had a significant direct impact on purchase intention .

  16. 产品感知质量的三个维度对顾客购买意愿有正向显著性影响。

    These factors positively and significantly influence the consumer purchase intention .

  17. 感知价值对购买意愿是否有一定影响?

    Whether does the perceived value impact on the purchase intention ?

  18. 因此,经验开放性特质对网络购买意愿具有促进作用。

    Therefore , openness has stimulative effect on the purchase intension online .

  19. 依靠他们的善意而不是他们的购买意愿?

    Rely on their goodwill instead of their desire for a deal ?

  20. 社交商务用户网络购买意愿模型的检验结论。

    The conclusions about the purchase intention model of social network users .

  21. 人口统计变量对顾客购买意愿有不同影响。

    Consumer purchase intention was significantly different as the different demographic variables .

  22. 品牌个性维度的本土化研究品牌个性感知对购买意愿的影响机理研究

    The Study of Influencing Mechanism of Brand Personality Perception on Purchase Intension

  23. 网络口碑对消费者购买意愿影响实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Internet Word of Mouth Affecting Consumer Purchase Intention

  24. 社会化媒体对消费者购买意愿的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Social Media on Customers ' Purchase Intention

  25. 消费者自我概念一致性和情感体验对购买意愿影响研究

    The Research on Relationship between Self-Congruence and Emotional Experience to Purchase Intention

  26. 质量差异性对购买意愿有显著的负向影响。

    Quality variation has negative effect on purchase intention .

  27. 人际影响与消费者需求对购买意愿有显著正向影响。

    Interpersonal influence and consumer demand have significantly positive effect on purchase intention .

  28. 快递质量、产品质量和服务质量影响着消费者购买意愿。

    Logistics quality , product quality and service quality affect consumer purchase intention .

  29. 成分品牌来源国形象、品牌资产及消费者购买意愿

    Ingredient Brand 's Country-of-Origin Image , Brand Equity and Consumer Willingness to Buy

  30. 不同类型服务承诺对消费者信任和购买意愿影响的研究

    The Effects of Different Kinds of Service Guarantee on Consumers'Trust and Purchase Intention