
jiàn mín
  • untouchable;pariah;rabble;plebs;riff-raff;people of a lower social status than common people
贱民 [jiàn mín]
  • (1) [rabble]∶旧指社会地位低下没有选择职业自由的人

  • (2) [untouchable;pariah]∶印度种姓以外的社会地位最低的阶层

贱民[jiàn mín]
  1. 他出身贱民,生于印度南部一个非常贫困的村子。

    He was born an untouchable in a very poor village in south India .

  2. 总部位于日内瓦的代表机构海外美国公民(AmericanCitizensAbroad)表示,它担心,美国公民可能会变成贱民,因为外国银行可能关闭他们的账户,以避免成本高昂的要求。

    A Geneva-based representative body called American Citizens Abroad said it feared that US citizens would become pariahs , with foreign banks closing their accounts to avoid costly requirements .

  3. 例如,在阅读穆尔克·拉吉·安纳德(MulkRajAnand)的《不可接触的贱民》时你可能需要了解当时印度的社会结构是什么样子的,

    For instance , in reading Mulk Raj Anand 's The Untouchables you might have to learn what the social structure of India was like at that time ,

  4. 贫困自身并不能使人成为贱民。

    Poverty in itself does not make men into a rabble .

  5. 人,特别是指被蔑视或作为贱民看待时。

    Human beings , especially when viewed contemptuously or as a mob .

  6. 许多高等级的印度人唯恐与这些“贱民”接触。

    Many high-class Hindus fear coming into contact with them .

  7. 贱民解放的过程起始于殖民地时期。

    The emancipation process of pariah began in the period of colony .

  8. 在印度,我们称其为贱民。

    In India , we just call them untouchables .

  9. 有一个叫无三的孩子出身贱民,只好隐姓埋名进了寺院。

    An underclass boy named Wusan entered a monastery without revealing his status .

  10. 每次去那个办公室都觉得像贱民一样。

    I feel like a pariah every time I walk into that office .

  11. 甘地又创办了一个静修院并镇静地宣布:欢迎贱民。

    Gandhi established another ashram and calmly declared that he welcomed : Untouchables !

  12. 在1997年,纳拉亚南成为了印度第一个贱民出身的总统。

    On this date in1997 , Narayanan became the first Dalit president of India .

  13. 第二部分,明清社会的特殊型贱民。

    The second part is about the Special Dalits in Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  14. 曾经的金融巨头沦落为贱民。

    The former giants of finance are pariahs .

  15. 印度世俗化进程与贱民问题的解决

    Secularizing Process and the Solution of Pariah Question

  16. 说到贱民,我给你们带来了好消息。

    Raj : Speaking of untouchables , I 've got great news for you guys .

  17. 你现在就像古印度贱民一样。

    You got yourself the untouchable status .

  18. 对一个贱民也如此关怀!

    Such kindness to a humble man !

  19. 哈!咕哝兽,把剩下的贱民锁回去。

    Pahh ! Grunts , put the rest of those peasant rabble back in chains .

  20. 在这一制度下,贱民阶层和妇女备受歧视和压迫。

    Under caste sysytem , untouchables and women have endured every kind of oppression and discrimination .

  21. 这些因素促使伶人地位有所转变,贱民向平民转变。

    These factors make the actor status change ," untouchables " to " civilian " change .

  22. 8月24号,在德里单独集会的低等级的贱民们,也质疑其立场。

    Low-caste Dalits , whorallied separately in Delhi on August 24th , also question his stand .

  23. 贱民阶层如何参与社会发展进程将直接影响印度各方面的发展,贱民阶层的未来在某种程度上决定着印度社会的未来。

    How the untouchables participate the process of social development sectors will directly affect the development of India .

  24. 印度独立后虽在法律上废除贱民制,但实际上仍存在,种姓间成见很深,一亿多贱民仍被歧视。

    Although the untouchable system was abolished after India gained her independence , it still exists in reality .

  25. 但由于种姓歧视和隔离,非贱民的进步人士很难接近和启迪他们,贱民解放离不开社会进步和发展,仍有很长的路要走。

    The emancipation of the untouchable can not be divorced from the progress and development of the society .

  26. 犹太民族的贱民身份以及因自我封闭而导致的极端孤立的现实处境,又进一步强化了卡夫卡内心的自卑意识。

    The reality of the extreme isolation due to " ragtag status " of Jewry and self obturation reinforced his inward self abasement .

  27. 尽管纳拉亚南在印度是贱民出身,但他通过自己的努力最终问鼎权力高峰。

    Even though K.R.Narayanan was an Untouchable in his country , he managed to rise to the highest ranks in India 's government .

  28. 例如,他自身没有体味,而这一小小的差异使他沦为世所难容的贱民。

    For example , he himself has no scent , and this small difference makes him a pariah that no one can stand .

  29. 这名印度小哥于1949出生在印度一个贫穷的纺织户家庭,因为种姓制度,他被归类为“不可接触的贱民”。

    The Indian was born in 1949 into a weaver family in Odisha , Dhenkanal and was considered an untouchable in the society .

  30. 贱民除了具备良民的以上特点外,他们在身份上更低贱,甚至被当做工具使用。

    In addition to the above characteristics of the innocent people , untouchables are more inferior in status , and even as a tool .