
tiē huà
  • Stickers;pin-up picture;matchbox picture
贴画 [tiē huà]
  • (1) [pictures on the wall]∶用于贴在墙上的年画、宣传画等

  • 集市上卖贴画的生意很好

  • (2) [pictures on match box]∶火柴盒上用作装饰的画片;火花

  1. 他混合使用了马赛克、拼贴画和毡头笔。

    He has used a mixture of mosaic , collage and felt-tip pen .

  2. 埃里克的"ArtArt"包括大型拼贴画以及绘画、照片甚至服装。

    Eric 's " ArtArt " includes large collages as well as paintings , photographs and even costumes .

  3. 一副彩纸拼贴画盖在桌面上。

    A collage of coloured paper covers a table top .

  4. 这幅抽象派拼贴画来源于许多集体照,显示了人们在说“cheese”的时候都摆出了相同的姿态。

    The collage , cobbled from dozens of group portraits , shows how people adopt the same huddle when they 're saying'cheese . '

  5. 她在Instagram上的Feed网页是由静物组合体与马蒂斯(Matisse)风格的抽象拼贴画组成的情绪板,它们是她创作的基础。

    Her Instagram feed is a mood board for the still-life compositions and Matisse-style collages that form the bedrock of her design process .

  6. 在他的职业生涯中,他创作了油画,版画和雕塑,但是最著名的是他的抽象拼贴画。KeithAdams报道。

    During his career , he produced paintings , prints and sculptures but will be best remembered for his collages , as Keith Adams reports .

  7. 伯克斯在2005年首次与南非工匠合作,为意大利品牌米索尼(missoni)制作了一系列以拼贴画覆盖的花瓶。

    Burks first worked with South African artisans in 2005 on a series of patchwork-covered vases for Missoni .

  8. 近来,Gon?alves坐下,着手于将3000多幅窗户的摄影做成拼贴画,他的“世界之窗”系列自此诞生了。

    Gon ? alves recently sat down to assemble over 3000 photographs of windows into collages , giving birth to his series Windows of the World .

  9. 我又一次看见我的贴画非常的高兴。

    I was very happy to see my wonderful stickers again .

  10. 我们的老师将会给我们一个小贴画作为奖励。

    Our teacher will give us a sticker as a reward .

  11. 现在我是我们班级收集贴画的人。

    Now I have the biggest collection in my class .

  12. 使学生初步了解布贴画的形式特点。

    Enable Ss to realize the features of the cloth paste pictures .

  13. 记得我做的那副支撑我们度过了卡特里娜飓风危机拼贴画吗?

    Remember that collage I made that helped us get through Katrina ?

  14. 拼贴画是后现代主义小说中主要的艺术特色之一。

    Collage is the major artistic feature of post-modernism novels .

  15. 刚接到贴画纸店的电话。

    Just got a call back from a decal place on pico .

  16. 浅谈毕加索拼贴画风格对现代招贴设计的影响

    Picasso 's Collage Style Impact on Modern Poster Design

  17. 浅析马蒂斯的彩色剪纸贴画艺术

    A Brief Analysis to Matisse 's Colored Paper-cutting Art

  18. 贴画如果有时间,用邮票、粘胶图画或颜料装饰一下。

    if you have time , decorate it with stamps , stickers or paint

  19. 一个3岁的小朋友拿到了六套彩色贴画。

    A3-year-old is handed six sets of colorful stickers .

  20. 艾莉森给我爸爸做了副拼贴画

    Why ? Alison made my dad this collage ,

  21. 我的小狗贴画系列还在这里。

    My puppy sticker collection is still here .

  22. transform:转换,使…变化我专注于将满腔愤怒转向艺术collage:抽象派美术我做了些拼贴画。

    I focused on transforming my anger into art . I made some collages .

  23. 3文学拼贴画:对传统小说功能的质疑与否定。

    And , use of literary collages to disintegrate the traditional functions of fictions .

  24. 我先生斯蒂芬,在我的眼镜片上分别贴了两个红色心形贴画。

    My husband , Stephen , had placed two red heart stickers on my glasses .

  25. 做做拼贴画写写同人小说吗

    Make collages and write fan fiction ?

  26. 她用来自各个国家的世界各地的真实钱币来创作雕塑和拼贴画。

    She makes original sculptures and collages using real banknotes from various countries around the world .

  27. 上午好。我正在找黄河足球队的球星片和贴画。

    Good morning . I 'm looking for some football cards and stickers of Huanghe football team .

  28. 婴儿床或摇篮车需要组装好,保育室也需要一些贴画。

    The crib or bassinet needs assembling and the nursery needs a few more touches of paint .

  29. 花园立面是完全透明的,像一幅拼贴画一样展示着生动的空间。

    The garden fa ç ade is rendered completely transparent , displaying a collage of lively spaces .

  30. 通过运用文学拼贴画的技巧,巴塞尔姆颠覆了传统小说中的等级秩序,从而消解了小说的中心。

    By means of the collage technique , Barthelme subverts the traditional hierarchy in the novel and renders it centerless .