
  • 网络Trade Rate;Commercial Rate;Commercial Exchange Rate;mercantile rate
  1. 不确定条件下的企业国际贸易汇率风险度量与规避研究

    A Study on the Exchange Rate Risk Measurement and Avoidance of Enterprises in the International Trade under the Uncertainty of the Time and Limit for the Settlement of Payment

  2. 幸运的是,国际清算银行(BIS)编制的贸易加权汇率月度指数,提供了一种有用的纠正。

    Thankfully , the Bank for International Settlements provides a useful corrective with its monthly index of trade-weighted exchange rates .

  3. 欧洲央行(ECB)数据显示,在不到两个月的时间里,欧元贸易加权汇率已经上升近13%。

    On a trade-weighted basis , the currency has risen almost 13 per cent in less than two months , according to European Central Bank figures .

  4. 根据高盛(GoldmanSachs)的计算,美元的贸易加权汇率需要下跌27%,才能把美国的经常项目赤字减少一半。

    According to a calculation by Goldman Sachs , it would take a27 per cent fall in the dollar 's trade-weighted exchange rate to reduce the US current account deficit by half .

  5. 由于在美国财长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)发起的中美战略经济对话中,美国未能在贸易和汇率失衡方面获得(中国方面的)重大让步,美国国会在汇率立法方面的共识强化起来。

    The consensus in Congress in favour of currency legislation hardened after talks with China led by Hank Paulson , the Treasury Secretary , failed to secure big concessions on Trade and foreign exchange imbalances .

  6. imf在其中国经济年度报告中表示,人民币贸易加权汇率水平上升20%这与许多美国议员所要求的升值幅度差不多将使美国经济增长提高0.05到0.07个百分点。

    In its annual report on the Chinese economy , the IMF said a 20 per cent trade-weighted appreciation in the renminbi a level similar to that demanded by many American lawmakers would increase growth in the US economy by between 0.05 and 0.07 percentage points .

  7. 商业银行国际贸易融资汇率风险防范研究

    Commercial bank international trade financing exchange rate risk prevention research

  8. 国际贸易中汇率调整的影响分析

    Analysic of effect of exchange rate adjustment in international trade

  9. 国际贸易中汇率变动对社会净福利的影响

    Effects of Exchange Rate of International Trade on Social Welfare

  10. 以贸易加权汇率衡量,欧元汇率目前处于两年高位。

    On a trade-weighted basis , the euro is at a two-year high .

  11. 而且,自2007年年中以来,英镑的贸易加权汇率已经下降15%。

    Sterling has lost around a quarter of its trade-weighted value since the middle of2007 .

  12. 但以实际贸易加权汇率计算,升值幅度仅为15%。

    But on a real trade-weighted basis the appreciation has been only 15 per cent .

  13. 在2002年见顶之后,美元的贸易加权汇率就几乎一直在下跌。

    After peaking in 2002 , the dollar in trade-weighted terms has depreciated almost ever since .

  14. 与此同时,美元的贸易加权汇率回到了危机后的低点。

    Meanwhile , the US dollar , on a trade-weighted basis , is back to a post-crisis low .

  15. 自8月中旬以来,欧元贸易加权汇率已上升逾3%。

    On a trade-weighted basis , the euro has risen by more than 3 per cent since mid-August .

  16. 如今,日元实际贸易加权汇率依然比十年前低五分之一。

    On a trade-weighted basis in real terms the yen is still one-fifth weaker than a decade ago .

  17. 按贸易加权汇率计算,欧元自2010年初以来已贬值了12%。

    The overall trade-weighted value of the euro has already declined 12 per cent since the beginning of 2010 .

  18. 即使人民币升值20%,也只能使美元贸易加权汇率下降区区3%。

    A 20 per cent , appreciation would provide a meagre 3 per cent devaluation of the trade-weighted dollar .

  19. 自5月初报销门丑闻爆发以来,英镑贸易加权汇率甚至上升了6%。

    Since the expenses scandal broke in early May , the trade-weighted pound has even strengthened 6 per cent .

  20. 目前,贸易和汇率已经是导致美中双边经济关系紧张的常见核心问题。

    Trade and currencies are the now familiar issues at the centre of the economic tensions in the bilateral relationship .

  21. 根据两国内的经济情况以及它们之间的贸易,汇率每天都在波动。

    These rates of exchange fluctuate every day depending on economic circumstances within the two countries and transactions between them .

  22. 相对于历史交易区间,美元贸易加权汇率比公允价值低了12%。

    On a trade-weighted basis , versus historical trading bands , the dollar is 12 per cent below fair value .

  23. 这股单边竞争性贬值的浪潮造成了一种恶性循环,从而导致了贸易与汇率保护主义。

    This wave of unilateral , competitive devaluations creates a vicious cycle that leads to trade and exchange rate protectionism .

  24. 美元的贸易加权汇率自今年3月触及3年高点之后,已回落了10%。

    The US currency has fallen 10 per cent since it hit a three-year high on a trade-weighted basis in March .

  25. 研究结果表明,天津市进出口贸易对汇率变动的影响不显著。

    The results show that import and export trade of Tianjin on the impact of exchange rate fluctuations is not significant .

  26. 21世纪初,中美关系将围绕“贸易与汇率问题”这一核心展开。

    At the beginning of21th century , Sino-American relationship will be around the mail problem about " trade and exchange rate " .

  27. 但即使这轮熊市已经终结,从贸易加权汇率的角度来看,故事也不会就此完结。

    But even if it were over , on a trade-weighted basis , that would not be the end of the story .

  28. 与此同时,由于近期的抛售动力耗尽,美元贸易加权汇率走出15个月低点。

    Meanwhile , the dollar pulled back from a 15-month low on a trade-weighted basis as its recent sell-off ran out of steam .

  29. 因此,人民币贸易加权汇率持续下跌,使得中国出口商品更具吸引力,而外国商品在中国更显得昂贵。

    The trade-weighted value of the renminbi has therefore been declining , making Chinese exports more attractive and foreign goods more expensive in China .

  30. 除今年5月的一个短暂时间段之外,目前美元的贸易加权汇率处于1997年以来的最低水平。

    On a trade-weighted basis , the US currency is at its lowest level since 1997 , apart from a brief period last May .