
  1. 其次又提出了基于Aumann-Shapley值的阻塞费用分摊法,应用Gauss-Legendre积分公式求出每条阻塞线路上的阻塞费用;

    Second , providing congestion cost sharing based on Aumann-shapley value , applying Gauss-legendre integrate formula to obtain the congestion cost of every congestion lines .

  2. 为了克服这些方法的缺点,该文针对双边交易提出了一种基于Aumann-Shapley值的阻塞费用分摊法。

    This paper presents an Aumann-Shapley value based cost allocation method in bilateral transaction environment to overcome the shortcomings of these methods above .

  3. 结果表明有无对比法比费用分摊法更为科学、真实。

    The result shows that the have-and-have-not method is superior to the cost-share method .

  4. 在阻塞管理中,费用分摊法已成为阻塞定价中的一种重要方法。

    In congestion management , the cost allocation methods have been one of the most important congestion pricing methods .

  5. 最后,提出了费用分摊法更适合目前的中国国情。

    Eventually , the author consider that the method of cost Allocation is better suited to China at the present time .

  6. 而且,由于电力系统的非线性,费用分摊法分摊阻塞费用绝对公平是不存在的。

    In addition , because of nonlinear of electric power system , Uplift method is not an absolutely fair congestion cost allocation method .