
  1. 第五,作结帐分录,过帐以后结清全部收入和费用帐户,结算本期净收益进而结转留存收益帐户。

    Fifth , make closing entries , journalize and post them ; close all revenue and expense accounts ; calculate net income anc transfer it to retained earnings account .

  2. 公司资产负债表的权益部分由缴入资本和留存收益两部分组成。第五,作结帐分录,过帐以后结清全部收入和费用帐户,结算本期净收益进而结转留存收益帐户。

    The paid-in capital accounts and retained earnings make up the stockholders ' equity section on the corporation balance sheet . Fifth , make closing entries , journalize and post them ; close all revenue and expense accounts ; calculate net income anc transfer it to retained earnings account .