
  1. 贺岁档包括元旦和几周后至关重要的新年档,中国最宏大的巨资电影都会赶在这期间上映。

    The New Year 's period is when China sees its biggest blockbusters rolled out to coincide with holidays on Jan. 1 and the all-important Chinese New Year a few weeks later .

  2. 放映日期的提前也意味着,获奖无数的香港演员梁朝伟正式与好莱坞影星克里斯蒂安贝尔在中国电影黄金贺岁档正式交锋。

    The date change will pit Leung , one of the most award-winning Hong Kong actors of all time , against Hollywood star Christian Bale on Chinese screens during the peak Christmas film season .

  3. 2010年06月19日据媒体近日报道,由成龙、刘德华、谢霆峰主演的电影《新少林寺》将在今年年底的贺岁档上映。

    2010-06-19 The film " Shaolin ," starring Jackie Chan , Andy Lau and Nicholas Tse , will be released at the end of this year during the New Year movie season , according to media reporting recently .

  4. 而今年的贺岁片大战随着《龙门飞甲》和《金陵十三钗》的上映而硝烟四起,一场票房PK战也随之拉开帷幕!十二月是电影的黄金月。今年岁末有20多部影片激战贺岁档。

    This year , the holiday season has attracted more than 20 rival movies .