
  1. 并且在政治抒情诗的创作中,贺敬之用激情的诗句高扬理想主义的光辉,为共和国的人们点燃了希望之光。

    He Jingzhi holds high the glory of the idealism and lights the hope in the people 's heart in our country by the enthusiast line .

  2. 影片《白毛女》根据延安鲁迅文学院集体创作,贺敬之、丁毅执笔的同名歌剧改编而成。

    Movie " White-Haired Girl ," according to the collective creation of Yan'an Lu Xun Literature Institute , HE Jing , Ding Yi , adapted from the opera written by the same name .