
  1. 随后,贺鹏和陈龙将该男子带到医院接受治疗。

    He and Chen took the man to the hospital for treatment ;

  2. 同时,贺鹏和陈龙很快赶到了自杀地点。

    Meanwhile , both He and Chen hurried to the scene of the suicide .

  3. 贺鹏马上给他打去了电话并一直在电话中稳定他的情绪。

    He called at once and stayed on the phone with the man to stabilize him .

  4. 最终在众多网友的极力劝说下,该男子将他的电话号码给了贺鹏。

    Answering the pleas of many netizens , the man finally gave his phone number to He Peng .

  5. 该贴吧的两名管理员贺鹏和陈龙也给该男子留了言。

    He Peng and Chen Long , two webmasters of the message board , also left messages for the man .

  6. 第一场的角逐在上海的王永佳,天津的张少博,和首都师范大学附属中学的贺鹏之间展开。

    Wang Yongjia from Shanghai , Zhang Shaobo from Tianjin and He Peng from the middle school attached capital normal university are the first round competitors .