
zāng kuǎn
  • illicit money;stolen money;filthy lucre;money stolen, embezzled or received in bribes
赃款 [zāng kuǎn]
  • [stolen money; money stolen, embezzled or received in bribes] 贪污、受贿、盗窃等非法获取的钱

赃款[zāng kuǎn]
  1. 除此以外,追诉机关将不是涉案财物当作涉案赃款赃物予以追缴而侵犯权利人合法财产权利的现象也十分严重。

    In addition , the prosecution authorities will not be involved in the case of property involved in illicit money and goods to be recovered as a violation of the legitimate rights of the phenomenon is also a serious property rights .

  2. 由于我国现行法律未对赃款赃物的追缴问题作出具体明确的规定,导致实务中陷入困境。

    Since there still has no specific regulations on the issue of recovering illicit money and goods in our current law , its practical affairs have fallen into hardship .

  3. 那窃贼最后不得不退还赃款。

    The thief had to kick back the stolen money at last .

  4. 贪污犯受到了严厉惩罚,并被责令每月退还部分赃款。

    The embezzler was severely punished and enjoined to kick back a portion of the stolen money each month .

  5. 这帮匪徒通过他们的连锁饭店洗赃款。

    The gang launders the steal money through their chain of restaurants .

  6. 北京故宫博物院(又称紫禁城)23日发布报告称,故宫计划追索流散文物。“流散文物追索”可以用表示。Retrieve表示找回,重新获得,比如追讨官员赃款(),找到遗体()。文物可以用culturalrelics/historicalartifacts表示。

    The Palace Museum , also known as The Forbidden City in Beijing plans to retrieve its lost cultural relics , the museum said in a report on Tuesday .

  7. 据澳洲广播公司ABC报道,李佳欣被指控非法获利,以及故意处理赃款赃物这两项罪名。

    She has been charged with obtaining financial advantage by deception and with knowingly dealing with proceeds of crime , Australian broadcaster ABC reported .

  8. 贪污受贿赃款数额认定当中“扣除法”之我见

    Personal View On " Deduction Method " in Determining Bribes Amount

  9. 超过半数赃款与采购教材有关。

    More than half of the bribes were related to textbook selection .

  10. 关于违法追缴赃款赃物及退赃的法律分析

    A Legal Analysis of Illegal Recovery and Return of Booty

  11. 关于我国刑法对赃款认定的数额标准问题

    On the criteria of the amount of money in Chinese criminal law

  12. 警方只追回了部分赃款。

    The police only recovered part of the stolen money .

  13. 当那些抢劫银行的强盗在苏黎世被捕时,他们已经把赃款挥霍掉一半。

    The bank robbers had made away with half arrested in Zurich .

  14. 至于说赃款,天知道还能剩下多少!

    As for the money , heaven grant there may be some left !

  15. 通过查赃款赃物的来源、去向来充实证据;

    To enrich the sources and whereabouts of spoils ;

  16. 论外逃赃款追缴制度的发展与完善

    On the Development and Perfection of the System of Demanding Back Absconding Funds

  17. 出纳员携赃款逃跑了。

    The cashier has got away with the takings .

  18. 赃款、赃物及其时效取得&兼评《物权法》草案的相关规定

    Filthy Lucre , Booties and Prescription Acquisition

  19. 警察在一个树洞里找到了藏匿的小刀,还有赃款。

    The police found a knife together with the stolen money , hidden in a hollow tree .

  20. 公约准许各国政府追回藏匿在海外的赃款并且使惩处外逃贪官更加容易。

    The agreements let governments trace money hidden abroad and make it easier to punish officials who have fled overseas .

  21. 追缴赃款赃物的实务困境及制度完善警方只追回了部分赃款。

    On the Practical Hardships in Recovering Illicit Money & Goods And the Improvement of Principles ; Of the stolen money .

  22. 二者一起为洗钱提供了许多的方便之门,并掩盖了犯罪所得赃款的最初来源。

    Together they have opened up many more channels for laundering dirty money and provided more opportunities to hide its origins .

  23. 我告诉他们我是清白的,但他们还是坚持要搜查我的房子,看看能否找得到赃款。

    I told them that my hands were clean , but they still demanded to search my house for the stolen money .

  24. 故此,国际合作是不可或缺的。必须建立全球性的法律基础,以便追查及搜寻贪污赃款。

    International co-operation is therefore essential , and a world-wide legal foundation must exist for the tracing and recovery of corrupt proceeds .

  25. 如果罪行涉及因实施谋杀行为而提供或收受任何赃款,增加4级。

    If the offense involved the offer or the receipt of anything of pecuniary value for undertaking the murder , increase by4 levels .

  26. 拍卖掉的物品有豪车,电脑,衣服,它们都是些确定是以赃款购得的东西。

    The items that were auctioned off included luxury cars , computers and clothing which the courts confirmed had been paid for with criminal cash .

  27. 去年12月,包括收受2400万元赃款在内的多项罪名指控,法院判处宋建国无期徒刑。

    In November , the court convicted and sentenced Song for life on numerous counts , which include accepting nearly 24 million yuan in bribes .

  28. 正当生意开始兴隆起来的时候,他的合伙人携带全部钱款潜逃了。出纳员携赃款逃跑了。

    Just as the business was beginning to go well , his partner skipped out with all the money . The cashier has got away with the takings .

  29. 司法工作实践清楚的告诉我们,此类案件一出,犯罪分子纷纷效仿,赃款用于公用成为许多受贿人逃避侦查、起诉、审判的挡箭牌。

    Judicial practice tell us clearly , such cases , criminals have to follow the money used for the public , as many bribery investigation , prosecution , trial shield .

  30. 五是受贿罪的客观方面,主要对利用职务上的便利的认定,受贿对象的范围,赃款去向等问题进行了探讨。

    The objective factors of bribery guilt which mainly discusses the conforming of taking advantage of official advantages , the scope of bribe takers and where about the illicit money .
