
  1. 非资产型第三方物流提供者合同仓租赁决策研究

    Analysis of Non-asset Third-party Logistics Provider Leasing Contract Warehouse

  2. 研究了非资产型第三方物流提供者在整合社会资源时如何作出最优的购买决策问题。

    The paper considers the subject of how to make the optimization purchasing decision when the non-assert third-party logistics providers integrate outside resource .

  3. 根据非资产型第三方物流运作中委托代理关系信息不对称的特点,建立了非资产型第三方物流链的两层委托代理关系模型。

    According to the asymmetric information during the operation of non-asserted third-party logistics , the two levels principal-agent model is set up , and the optimal contract is provided .