
  • 网络Resource balance;Resource leveling;RESOURCE LEVELLING
  1. 由于空间调度问题是一个NP-Hard问题,本文提出了以空间的利用率为首要目标,兼顾生产资源平衡利用与费用最小化的构造性启发式空间调度算法。

    Because the problem is NP-hard , a new constructional heuristic algorithm for space utilization , resource leveling and cost decrease is proposed .

  2. 基于遗传算法的导弹技术准备资源平衡优化

    Resource Leveling of Missile 's Technical Preparation Based on GA

  3. 基于遥感ET的北京房山区水资源平衡分析

    Analysis of Water Resource Balance of Fangshan District Based on ET of Remote Sensing

  4. 用SD模型对额济纳绿洲进行水土资源平衡的研究

    Research on Balance of Water and Soil Resources in Ejina Oasis by use of SD Model

  5. 本文以系统动力学理论为基础,采用SD系统动力学模型,对额济纳绿洲水土资源平衡进行模拟研究。

    The study , based on the system of dynamics theory and SD model , simulated the balance between the water and soil of Ejina Oasis .

  6. 资源平衡优化问题即资源有限项目调度问题,是一个NP难问题,现在商用项目管理软件系统中的资源平衡优化问题多采用基于优先规则的启发式算法。

    The resource-constrained project scheduling problem ( RCPSP ) is NP problem , most of commercial project management software usually employ simple priority rules for solving the problem .

  7. 多目标环境下的生产资源平衡和优化调度研究

    Research on Production Resource Balance and Optimal Scheduling Under Multi-objectives Environment

  8. 中南引农业综合开发区水土资源平衡分析

    Water and Soil Resources Balance Analysis in Agriculture Comprehensive Development Zone

  9. 河西走廊地区县域农业水资源平衡问题研究

    Study on the agricultural water resources balance in Northwest China

  10. 大型单件小批生产模式下资源平衡问题的一种实用算法

    A Practical Algorithm for the Resource Balancing Problems in Large-Piece OKP Mode

  11. 纸木包装与森林资源平衡发展

    Equipollent Development of Paper & Timber Packaging and Forest Resources

  12. 山区大部分为水资源平衡区。

    Most of mountainous area belonged to water balanceable area .

  13. 土地整理项目区的水土资源平衡分析&以温宿县托乎拉乡为例

    Balance Analysis of Water and Land Resources in Land Consolidation Project Area

  14. 半干旱地区水资源平衡与节水策略研究

    Water resources balance and water-saving policies in half-arid regions

  15. 宁夏平原县域农业水土资源平衡研究

    Study on the Balance of Agricultural Water and Land Resources in Ningxia Plain

  16. 变电站自动化监控主站的系统资源平衡监控及资料收集系统主控站

    Balance of system resources of host for monitoring and controlling in Substation Automation

  17. 华北平原水资源平衡和节水农业发展的若干问题探讨

    Discussion of Water Resource Balance and Water Saving Agriculture Development in Huabei Plain

  18. 网络计划优化中资源平衡的混合遗传算法

    The Hybrid Genetic Algorithms on Resource Leveling of Optimal Technology of Network Plan

  19. 启发式算法在网络计划多资源平衡中的应用

    Application of Heuristic Algorithm in Network-planning Multiple Resources Balancing

  20. 肥西县淠河灌区近期水资源平衡分析

    Equilibrium analysis of water resources in pi River irrigation district of Feixi County

  21. 资源平衡方法在房地产企业多项目管理中应用

    The application of resource balanced methods in multi-project management of real estate enterprises

  22. 企业发展的环境-资源平衡战略

    Balancing strategy of environment-resources for enterprise development

  23. 网络资源平衡问题的聚类分析优化遗传算法研究

    A Study on the Clustering Analysis Optimal Genetic Algorithm for the Network Resource Smoothing Problem

  24. 第二,网络计划优化中的资源平衡的理念比较陈旧。

    Second , the idea of resource leveling of optimization of network plan is obsolete .

  25. 一种项目多资源平衡启发式算法

    A Heuristic Algorithm For Project Multi-resource Leveling

  26. 利用遗传算法求解多项目资源平衡问题

    Using Genetic Algorithms for Multi-project Resource Balance

  27. 多资源平衡问题的改进算法

    An improved approach to multiple resources balancing

  28. 其中负面的影响主要表现在对区域水资源平衡、生物丰度和区域景观的多样性影响的影响。

    The negative impacts are those to water resource balance , biology abundance and landscape diversity .

  29. 网络计划优化与资源平衡的智能交互模式的研究和应用

    The Researches and Applications of Intelligent Interaction Model in Optimization of Network Plan and Resource Leveling

  30. 我们认为,对资源平衡利用的追求促成了企业成长;

    We deem that growth is the process which small business pursues to utilize resource in equilibrium .