
  1. 艾滋病防治经费管理,可按资金运动过程分为资金筹集、分配、拨付与使用,以及监督与评估等环节。

    Funding management of AIDS prevention and cure could be divided into funding raise , allocation , appropriation and expenditure , and supervision and evaluation .

  2. 同时,也让同学们了解税收是财政活动的重要组成部分,是财政资金运动过程的起点,也是各种财政活动得以实现的保证。

    As important parts of the fiscal activities , taxation is necessary financial resources to make sure the government could carry out its duties properly .

  3. 在信贷市场中,商业银行信贷资金运动过程主要涉及商业银行与企业两个主体。

    In the credit market , the credit funds movement procedure of the commercial bank mainly involves two main bodies , the bank and the enterprise .

  4. 在某种程度上,滨海新区投资体制实际上是以政府投资为核心的资金运动过程。

    To some extent , the investing system in the new coastal area is exactly the capital moving process , which is centering on government investment .

  5. 商业银行信贷资金运动过程主要涉及商业银行与企业两个主体。企业是资金的使用者,对借入资金实际投资项目有较充分的信息从而处于信息优势地位。

    The movement of credit funds mainly involves commercial banks and enterprises , the enterprises are users of funds , and have sufficient information about the funds ' actual use .

  6. 财务风险是财务活动(资金运动)过程中的风险。

    Financial risks occur on the process of capital movement ( financial activity ) .

  7. 在资金运动的过程管理中,还需考虑社会保障资金的风险管理与社会保障资金的监督管理。

    During the management of funds moving , risk management and supervision of social security funds management should also be considered .

  8. 反映和控制资金运动的过程,便是会计的两大基本职能,企业经营决策需要会计的参与。

    Reacting and controlling the process of cash flow is two basic functions of accounting , therefore , the enterprise making correct decisions needs accounting participation .

  9. 是对生产经营所需资金的筹集、运用、分配以及资金运动的全过程的筹划、预算、控制、考核、分析等方面的全面管理。

    It is a overall control for raising , using and allocating funds needed in manufacturing and operation and whole course plan , budget , control , appraisal and analysis of funds movement , etc.

  10. 本文用营销资金这一概念涵盖在企业营销中资金运动的全过程。

    So I used the marketing capital to contain the whole course that the fund moves of marketing .