
  • 网络idle funds
  1. 投资不足致使资金闲置,公司成长缓慢,过度投资会导致大量资本沉淀在产能过剩领域,造成资源和生产要素浪费。

    Under-investment is making a lot of idle funds which slows down the growth of companies . Over-investment can lead to huge capital precipitation in the area of excess capacity , resulting in waste of resources and factors of production .

  2. 上市公司资金闲置与再融资策略的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis on the Phenomenon of Idle Fund and the Behaviors of Fund Raising in our Securities Market

  3. 法律机制的完善与信息的公开,也有助于资金闲置问题的解决。

    Perfecting the law mechanism and the information opening mechanism can also be helpful for the settlement of problem of leave unused capital .

  4. 否则,当预期现金过剩时,应妥当规划投资渠道,创造财务利润,不能使资金闲置。

    Otherwise , when the cash excess , we should plan to invest and make profit securely , and can 't make funds idle .

  5. 上市公司在竞相进行低成本股权融资而冷落债务融资的同时,却有大量的资金闲置或参与委托理财。

    Listed companies are keen on equity capital financing while neglecting debt capital financing , and meanwhile tremendous raised capital remains intact or entrusted for investment .

  6. 首先进行样本配对检验,说明上市公司在大规模股权再融资后市场业绩下降、募集资金闲置等,属于非理性的股权再融资行为。

    Paired sample test first , after large-scale SEO of listed companies , market declines , raise funds idle , etc. , belong to the irrational SEO behavior .

  7. 研究结果表明:短期激励机制条件下,投资不足、过度投资与资金闲置现象可以在公司内并存;

    We show : ( 1 ) under the situation of the short-time incentive mechanism , the short-investment , over-investment and leave unused capital can exist simultaneously in one company ;

  8. 联邦法规禁止零售公司把尚未兑现的礼品卡的销售收入记为营收,意味着零售商和礼品卡持有者都希望消除这种资金闲置浪费的现象。

    Federal regulations prohibit companies from listing gift card sales as revenue until the cards are redeemed , meaning both retailers and gift card owners want to eliminate the waste .

  9. 文章基于信息经济学理论构建委托代理模型,研究我国上市公司资金闲置问题,并引入声誉因素对模型进行动态博弈分析。

    Based on the model of principal-agent of information economics , this paper studied the phenomenon of leave unused capital of china 's listed enterprises . After adding the reputation-factor , the paper analyzed the model by dynamic game theory .

  10. 但是,部分中小板上市公司大量募集资金闲置而随意变更募集资金投向与用途、用于补充流动资金、归还银行贷款以及委托理财等,似乎告诉人们在繁荣的背后却埋藏着诸多隐患。

    However , over financing behavior of listed companies caused part of the financing funds misappropriated and idle , add liquidity , repayment of bank loans and trust management . It seems to us that many hidden dangers have been buried behind this prosperity .

  11. 我国上市公司资金大量闲置是非常普遍的现象,而这与其再融资策略的选择又是密切相关的。

    In our securities market , many corporations have much idle fund , but they are still eager for more money .

  12. 但一些公司盲目的圈钱行为,导致大量的募集资金的闲置,也就限制和扭曲了证券市场的功能。

    But the blind financing conducted by such companies caused idle funds , consequently restricts and deforms the function of security market .

  13. 虽然代工合同已经签了,这些资金暂时闲置,可是,说不定什么时候突然要用得到。

    Although they have signed the contract of OEM and the money is not useful temporarily who knows it is needed some day .

  14. 灰关联法用于充填钻孔使用寿命影响因素分析而分布在贫民区、业等地方的资金却闲置,未能得到充分利用。

    Application of grey related method in analysis of influencing factors on backfill drilling hole ′ s life Yet there is money in slums , and enterprise - and numbers .

  15. 一方面是巨额资金被闲置,另一方面是人们强烈的旅游消费信贷需求得不到满足,因此,大力发展旅游消费信贷已迫在眉睫。

    On the one hand , large amount of funds are left unused ; on the other hand , peoples intensive demand of traveling consumption loans cannot be met , therefore , developing traveling con .

  16. 随着经济的发展,中国上市公司出现了盲目投资、资金严重闲置等非效率投资问题,而高管的投资决策直接关系到投资的效率。

    With the development of economics , there are problems of blind investment , seriously idled funds and so on in Chinese listed companies . These problems are directly related to the executives ' investment policies .

  17. 另一方面国有企业资金严重不足与闲置浪费并存,国有企业资本运营效益低下,经济效益滑坡。

    On the other hand , the fund of state_owned enterprises lacks severely and waste coexist , the state_owned enterprises of capital management low efficiency .

  18. 当这些上市公司筹集的资金过多时,就会出现资金闲置的情况,由于这些资金的投向往往都不明确,就会造成资金使用效率下降的结果。

    When too many of these listed companies to raise funds , there will be unused funds , these funds invest in are often not clear , it will result in reduced efficiency of the use of funds results .