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zhèn jì
  • relieve;aid;charity
赈济 [zhèn jì]
  • [aid;relieve] 用财物救济

  • 赈济灾民

赈济[zhèn jì]
  1. 地震造成大范围的灾难,政府迅速采取行动赈济灾民。

    The government acted quickly to relieve the widespread distress caused by the earthquake .

  2. 金钱贮藏着而不用来购买生活必需品,也不用来赈济那些生活匮乏的人。

    It does not purchase the necessaries of life , nor relieve those who are in want .

  3. 许多慈善机构捐款赈济饥民。

    Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine .

  4. 这不是为赈济饥荒的又一次募捐。

    This is not another appeal for famine relief .

  5. 内战阻碍着救援机构对饥荒赈济物资的配给。

    The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies .

  6. 我们给饥荒赈济基金捐了款。

    We made a contribution to the famine relief fund .

  7. 他们看不到任何证据:无家可归、食物赈济库(foodbank)的利用、精神健康问题都在加重。

    They did not see any evidence : homelessness , food bank use , mental health problems were all going up .

  8. 大卫·贝克曼1991年就任“赈济饥民会”的总裁。

    David Beckmann became president of Bread for the World in1991 .

  9. 这笔钱将用来赈济水灾灾民。

    The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims .

  10. 明前期民间赈济的初步考察

    Preliminary Investigation on Popular Famine Relief in the Early Ming Dynasty

  11. 他正在为赈济饥民募捐.依赖教区救济的穷人

    He 's collecting for famine relief . the parish poor

  12. 第一,进行赈济和救助;

    Firstly , relieved and aided the people in disaster ;

  13. 中医救护医院及中央国医馆和赈济委员会的合作

    TCM First Aid Hospital and Cooperation between Central Medical Hospital and Relief Committee

  14. 自救与赈济:近代安徽民间社会对灾荒的救助

    Self-Rescue and Relief : Civil Society 's Aid to Disasters in Modern Anhui

  15. 预防与赈济:近代官府对安徽灾荒的救治

    Prevention and Relief : Governments Relieving and Controlling Anhui Disasters in modern Times

  16. 政府已承诺赈济饥民。

    The government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims .

  17. 一些有能力也愿意工作的人被迫接受赈济品。

    Some people able and willing to work were forced to accept doles .

  18. 她很强调自力更生,不肯接受赈济。

    She is too independent to accept charity .

  19. 他们的处境悲惨,但他们不想靠赈济过活。

    Their plight is a miserable one , but they do not want charity .

  20. 中国古代赈济研究

    Study on the Relief Work in Ancient China

  21. 你怎么知道这钱是用来赈济饥民的呢?

    How do you know the money be used to feed those starve people ?

  22. 近代直隶天主教传教士对自然灾害的赈济

    The Relief of Natural Disasters from Catholic Missionaries in Hebei Province in Modern Times

  23. 对抗战时期湖北后方国统区赈济救灾工作的评述

    Study On Relief Work in Hubei 's Kuo Ming-Tang Controlling Area in Anti-Japanese War Period

  24. 黄土丘陵区生态重建赈济退耕及地域分异特征

    Spatial different characteristics on relieving and de-farming for eco-environmental rehabilitation in the loess hilly-gully region

  25. 他正在为赈济饥民募捐。

    He 's collecting for famine relief .

  26. 她从慈善赈济金中盗用了数千美元,而表面上却是该款项最好的筹募者。

    She embezzled thousands of dollars from the charity while appearing to be its best fundraiser .

  27. 于是我们将卡车停在市郊,分发赈济品。

    We set up our trucks on the outskirts of town and began distributing the supplies .

  28. 洪灾后,许多人捐助食物和衣物以赈济灾民。

    After the flood , many people contributed food and clothing for the relief of the victims .

  29. 内容上,侧重于政府的赈济措施,缺乏对农民自身的抗灾、减灾措施及政府防灾措施的研究。

    Second , studies on measures which farmers and government took to defend against agricultural disasters are lacking ;

  30. 但生员赈济的标准与普通贫民基本相同。

    However , the standard and procedure for the scholars were the same as those for the general people .
