
  • 网络pearl s.buck;Pearl S. Buck;Pearl Buck;Pearl Sydenstricker Buck;buck
  1. 镇江赛珍珠旅游产品开发定位与展望

    The Orientation and Expectation of Zhenjiang Pearl S.Buck Tourism Products Exploitation

  2. 赛珍珠&从女性主义到女性主义翻译的实践者

    Pearl S.Buck & a Practitioner from Feminism to Feminist Translation

  3. 赛珍珠也觉得自己和故乡有着千丝万缕的联系,Tyler说。

    Pearl Buck also felt a connection to her West Virginia home , she said .

  4. 赛珍珠小说对乡土中国的发现

    Chinese Culture and Peasantry in Pearl S. Buck ′ s Novels

  5. 赛珍珠《大地》三部曲里的中国形象

    China 's Images in Pearl S. Buck 's The Good Earth

  6. 文化交叉小径边的一脉馨香&赛珍珠短篇小说创作特色论

    On the Characteristics of Pearl S. Buck 's Short Stories

  7. 赛珍珠《大地》创作的启示

    A Talk about the Inspiration of The Good Earth by Pearl S.Buck

  8. 赛珍珠是为数不多的女性诺贝尔文学奖获得者。

    Pearls Sydenstricker Buck is one of few female Nobel Prize winner .

  9. 赛珍珠与《大地》中的土地情结

    Pearl Buck and the Earth Complex in The Good Earth

  10. 赛珍珠传记作品与西方在华基督教传教运动

    Pearl Buck 's Biographic Works and Christian Mission in China

  11. 分别作为赛珍珠和萧红的杰作,这两部小说在国内外受到了广泛关注。

    As masterpieces , they have been highly concerned home and abroad .

  12. 论赛珍珠创作和论说中的辩证思想

    Dialectical Mode of Thinking in Pearl S. Buck Creative Writing and Essays

  13. 从《群芳亭》看赛珍珠创作中的后殖民倾向

    The Post-colonialism Tendency in Pearl S. Buck 's The Pavilion of Women

  14. 大地上的性格:循环怪圈与超越之路&读赛珍珠《大地》三部曲

    Characters of the Earth : A Strange Cycle and the Surpassing Way

  15. 赛珍珠《东风·西风》中儿子形象的寓意

    The Implied Meanings of the Sons in East Wind , West wind

  16. 赛珍珠在全球化时代的意义

    Pearl S. Buck 's Significance in the Age of Globalization

  17. 全球化语境中的赛珍珠研究

    Pearl S. Buck Studies in the Context of Globalization

  18. 儒家思想与犹太文化的碰撞&读赛珍珠小说《牡丹》有感

    On the Collisions of Confucianism and Jew Culture & On Pearl S.Buck Peony

  19. 民族的友人&赛珍珠

    The Friend of Our Nationality - Pearl S Buck

  20. 论赛珍珠中国题材文学创作中的性别意识

    On the Gender Consciousness in Pearl S.Buck 's Works of Chinese Subject Matter

  21. 我们必须从跨文化的角度更加宽容地对待和评价赛珍珠的作品。

    While criticizing her works , we should relent from a cross-cultural perspective .

  22. 赛珍珠女权主义创作意识形成探微

    Construction of Feminist Consciousness in Pearl Buck 's Writing

  23. 美国作家赛珍珠的中国农村题材小说是中国文化的产物。

    Chinese culture gives birth to American writer Pearl Buck 's peasantry novels .

  24. 从《战斗的天使》与《异邦客》透视赛珍珠的文化身份

    A Perspective of Pearl Buck 's Cultural Identity Through Fighting Angel and the Exile

  25. 所以最终赛珍珠还是一个反东方主义者。

    So ultimately Buck is an anti-oriental writer .

  26. 我们今天为什么研究赛珍珠

    Why Do We Study Pearl S. Buck Today

  27. 论赛珍珠非小说作品中的文化精神

    Cultural Spirit Embodied in Pearl Buck 's Non-fiction

  28. 对人生感到乐趣是女人最好的化妆品。&赛珍珠

    Taking joy in living is a woman 's best cosmetic . & Pear Buck

  29. 幻象与真相&论赛珍珠小说《同胞》中的中国形象

    Mirage and Truth & On the Image of China in Kinfolk by Pearl S. Buck

  30. 赛珍珠研究笔谈

    Pearl Buck Studies : a Panel Discussion