
  • 网络Hector;hechter
  1. 根据普利策奖得主威廉肯尼迪的小说,电影的赫克托Babenco,斯特里普主演的海伦阿彻,酒精同伴(杰克尼科尔森饰演的)与棒球选手。

    Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by William Kennedy , the Hector Babenco film starred Streep as Helen Archer , an alcoholic companion to a washed up baseball player , played by Jack Nicholson .

  2. 我的赫克托出售的那些毫无血色的动物尸体&约翰·戴顿。

    The bloodless carcass of my Hector sold - John Dryden .

  3. 阿:你恢复了这座城堡!赫克托,盖帽了!

    Isaac : You resurrected the castle , Hector . Bravo .

  4. 赫克托是我的堂兄,他是个好人。

    Hector is my cousin . he 's a good man .

  5. 由兰德斯和赫克托矿地震的地震波触发的地震

    Earthquake triggering by seismic waves following the Landers and Hector Mine earthquakes

  6. 我要问你怎么了,赫克托。

    That 's what I 'm asking you , hector .

  7. 据悉,赫克托是在和朋友罗斯福的一场争执中被开枪打死的。

    Hector was allegedly shot by his friend Roosevelt during an argument .

  8. 这就是赫克托耳,以为自己杀死了阿喀琉斯的傻瓜。

    This is hector , the fool who thought he killed achilles .

  9. 勇武如赫克托,他从不知危险是何物。

    Valorous as a Hector , he knows no danger .

  10. 赫克托:我整节课都看着他。

    Hector : I look at him all the class .

  11. 粘弹性应力转移延迟了1999年赫克托矿地震的触发

    Delayed triggering of the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake by viscoelastic stress transfer

  12. 另外,赫克托伯伯也只是在那家公司的职员。

    Besides , uncle hector , he just works for the company .

  13. 而赫克托,如我所见,他是个真正的勇士。

    Prince hector , he is a good warrior as I see .

  14. 1992年兰德斯地震对1999年赫克托矿地震的粘弹性应力触发

    Viscoelastic stress-triggering of the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake by the 1992 Landers earthquake

  15. 该歌剧由法国作曲家赫克托·伯辽兹创作。

    The Opera is by French composer Hector Berlioz .

  16. 赫克托耳统帅着东部最好的军队。

    Hector commands the finest army in the east .

  17. 赫克托死了,还是攻不下城墙。

    Even with Hector gone , we have no way to breach their walls .

  18. 你硬是让我们和那个极讨厌的赫克托打交道。

    You landed us with that awful hector .

  19. 杰克不同于雷蒙和赫克托。

    Jack 's not like rambn and hector .

  20. 海伦娜责怪赫克托样样事情都要问。

    Helena accused Hector of prying into everything .

  21. 赫克托耳:特洛伊王子,普里阿摩斯的长子,被阿喀琉斯杀死。

    A Trojan prince , the eldest son of Priam , killed by Achilles .

  22. 赫克托将会认为我们不合作。

    Hector Salazar will view that as noncompliance .

  23. 最好的朋友死后,阿咯琉斯开始密谋(或:策划)报复赫克托耳。

    After his best friend 's death , Achilles schemes his revenge against Hector .

  24. 憔悴而瘦弱的赫克托在去年二月才被释放。

    H é ctor , gaunt and thin , came out only last February .

  25. 但是赫克托碰巧看到了锁上的残留物。

    But Hector witnessed the locker incident .

  26. 赫克托在酒吧里点了些酒。

    Hecto ordered drinks at the bar .

  27. 今天早上,赫克托“男子汉”卡马乔不治身亡。

    Hector Macho Camacho died this morning .

  28. 安德洛玛刻:赫克托耳忠贞的妻子,在特洛伊沦陷时被俘。

    The faithful wife of Hector , captured by the Greeks at the fall of Troy .

  29. 赫克托是我的好弟弟。

    Hector 's a good brother .

  30. 赫克托是位摩托车车迷,常常和妻子凯瑟恩·威廉姆斯一起骑乘摩托车。

    Hector was a big lover of riding on his motorbike with his partner Kathryn Williams .