
  1. 赵丽颖回答:“1.trick:n.花招,欺骗突然间,我意识到这都是套路啊!

    All of a sudden , I realized they were all tricks .

  2. 即拥有约260万粉丝的“赵丽颖全球粉丝后援会”。

    Zhao Liying Global Fan Club , which had about 2.6 million followers .

  3. 赵丽颖全球粉丝后援会与另外三个粉丝站甚至发表了联合声明,

    Zhao Liying 's Global Fan Club issued a joint statement with three other fan bodies

  4. 根据新浪微博的这篇文章透露,赵丽颖工作室遭禁言15天。

    According to this Sina article , Zhao Liying 's Studio has been muted for 15 days .

  5. 昨日,赵丽颖多个粉丝群遭微博禁言,其中就包括最大的粉丝群微博账号,

    Yesterday , Weibo banned a number of Zhao Liying fan clubs including one of the biggest ones ,

  6. 针对赵丽颖和王一博双方的粉丝,官方总共清理了3770条违规微博。

    In total , from both Zhao Liying and Wang Yibo sides , there were 3770 violations cleaned up .

  7. 在七月底八月初,微博网传赵丽颖可能要与王一博再次合作。

    In early August late July , news of a possible Zhao Liying - Wang Yibo reunion circulated Weibo .