
  • 网络Zhao Gu
  1. 那个时候还有一个叫常建的人,他的诗写的也很好,但是他总认为自己没有赵嘏写的好。

    Jau Gu 's poems were so well-written that even famous poets of his time enjoyed reading them .

  2. 另外,对敦煌残卷本《读史编年诗》的关注,成为赵嘏研究的一个亮点。

    The notice to Notes to Chronic Poetry in Dunhuang was a point of research of Zhao Gu .

  3. 第三章着重分析赵嘏诗歌的体裁,论及七律、五言律绝及组诗三种体裁,指出其组诗创作在晚唐诗坛的意义。

    Chapter Three analyzes emphatically the literary genre of his poetry and points out the significance of his poem-composition in the late Tang Dynasty .