
  1. 《无依之地》展现出了赵婷对拍摄广阔场景的眼力。

    Nomadland displayed Zhao 's eye for wide-scale images .

  2. 这部电影由赵婷(曾执导过《骑士》)担任编剧和导演,是一部“纪实和虚构相混合的影片”。

    Written and directed by Chloe Zhao ( The Rider ) , the film is a " hybrid of documentary and fiction . "

  3. 赵婷那部动人又低调的《无依之地》在电影节上映之前,她已经开始执导这部与前作风格迥异的漫威系列电影。

    Even before Chloe Zhao 's affecting , low-key Nomadland hit the festival circuit , she had moved on to a wildly different project , directing this instalment in the Marvel franchise .