
  1. 赵孟甲戌年写四条屏艺术及相关研究

    Art and Correlated Study of Zhao Meng Fu ′ s Four Pieces Painting in Jia Xu Age

  2. 赵孟甲戌年所写四条屏是他早期人物画作品。

    The four pieces painted by Zhao Meng Fu in Jia Xu age are his early figure paintings .

  3. 本文分时风变革、书学渊源、书坛影响三个专题对赵孟、沈尹默作了深入的比较。

    The paper makes deep comparison between Zhao Mengfu and Shen Yinmo from three subjects , namely changes of contemporary practice , calligraphic origins and influence .

  4. 湖州以山水清远、民风淳朴著称,湖州人特有的清丽、蕴藉、严谨、醇厚的品格深深地影响着赵孟的人生态度和书法审美思想。

    His attitude towards life and calligraphy aesthetics is profoundly influenced by the lucid and elegant , cultured and restrained , careful and unsophisticated manner of people in Huzhou .