
  • Zhao Baogang;【人名】Baogang Zhao
  1. 导演赵宝刚说:青春是一场仓促的梦。

    Director Zhao said , Youth is a very transient dream .

  2. 赵宝刚是一位具有创新意识的导演。

    Zhao Bao gang is a director who has the sense of innovation .

  3. 为赵宝刚电视剧的研究提供必要的背景材料。

    It provides the necessary background material for researching the TV series of Zhao .

  4. 赵宝刚导演的电视剧《青年医生》再次引发观众热议。

    With TV series The Young Doctor , director Zhao Baogang has again created a buzz among viewers .

  5. 赵宝刚在他的作品中成功塑造了一批个性鲜明、让人印象深刻的女性形象。

    Zhao Baogang successfully shaped plenty of female characters with distinctive personalities which always gave deep impression to audiences .

  6. 第一章着重介绍了赵宝刚导演及其创作历程。

    The first chapter focuses on the introduction of director Zhao Bao Gang and the Review of the creative process of him .

  7. 赵宝刚以四个角色概述了整个80后:何东是位收入稳定的公务员;

    Zhao uses four characters to cover the entire post-1980 generation : He Dong , a civil servant on a stable salary ;

  8. 第三章从叙事方面研究了赵宝刚电视剧的人物是多维度的复合型,是贴近生活的。

    The third chapter studies the character of TV series of Zhao which is a complex multidimensional and daily life from the narrative context .

  9. 关于青春,导演赵宝刚有很多话要讲&他的讲述80后生活的青春三部曲便是最好的证明。

    Director Zhao Baogang has a lot to say about youth – his youth trilogy about the lives of the post-1980 generation testifies to the fact .

  10. 正如赵宝刚以往的作品那样,《北京青年》的演员阵容自然少不了俊男美女,同时还有很多令人难忘的搞笑台词。

    As always in Zhao 's work , the cast of Beijing Youth is filled with gorgeous young actors and there are many amusing and memorable lines .

  11. 运用瑞士著名心理学家、精神分析学家荣格的著名救世主式自卑感的理论论述了赵宝刚电视剧里的爱情主题。

    It uses the theory of famous Swiss psychologist , psychoanalyst Carl Jung , which is well-known messianic inferiority complex . It discusses the theme of love .

  12. 当我们醒来,它已经离开,所有的回忆也随之逝去。赵宝刚在该剧的一场新闻发布会上表示。

    When we wake up , it 's gone , along with all the memories of it , Zhao said about the TV series in a press conference .

  13. 关于“青春”,导演赵宝刚有很多话要讲——他的讲述80后生活的“青春三部曲”便是最好的证明。

    Director Zhao Baogang has a lot to say about youth - his " youth " trilogy about the lives of the post-1980 generation testifies to the fact .

  14. 本文通过赵宝刚电视作品多方面的解读来了解电视剧所传达的理念和创作风格。并采用理论和实例并重的方法对其进行探讨。

    This paper interprets the ideas and the writing style of Zhao Bao gang TV series by a wide range of his works , and use both theory and examples ways to explore them .

  15. 赵宝刚对情景喜剧、言情剧、青春偶像剧这三种商业类型剧进行了成功的本土化改造,使得它们更贴近中国的现实国情,更符合国人的欣赏口味。

    Zhao Baogang made the localization transformation of sitcom , romance TV series and youth idol TV series successfully which going more with the realistic circumstance of China and matching the taste of Chinese people .

  16. 赵宝刚将与时俱进的时代特性和社会变迁的轨迹与大众趣味至上的原则紧密结合,同时巧妙的缝合进自身对于时代精神的领悟,自如穿行于商业和艺术之间。

    Zhao Baogang will advance with the times characteristics of the times and social change and public interests of the principle of the supremacy of closely integrated , and ingenious suturing for the spirit of the times into their understanding , freely through the commercial and art .