
  1. 到了周二,因为许多韩国人呼吁抵制大韩航空,还给该公司起了坚果航空(AirNuts)的绰号,大韩航空宣布,赵显娥已经辞去机舱服务负责人的职务,不过并未辞去副社长一职。

    By Tuesday , with many South Koreans calling for a boycott of Korean Air , which they nicknamed Air Nuts , the airline announced that Ms. Cho had resigned as the head of in-flight services , though not as a vice president .

  2. 只有“副社长赵显娥是会长的家庭成员这一事实”才能解释此事,颇有影响的民间组织参与民主人民联盟(People’sSolidarityforParticipatoryDemocracy)说。

    The episode cannot be explained " except by the fact that Vice President Cho Hyun-ah was a member of the chairman 's family , " said the influential civic group People 's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy .

  3. 到了周二,因为许多韩国人呼吁抵制大韩航空,还给该公司起了“坚果航空”(AirNuts)的绰号,大韩航空宣布,赵显娥已经辞去机舱服务负责人的职务,不过并未辞去副社长一职。

    By Tuesday , with many South Koreans calling for a boycott of Korean Air , which they nicknamed " Air Nuts , " the airline announced that Ms. Cho had resigned as the head of in-flight services , though not as a vice president .

  4. 和韩国的其他巨头一样,赵显娥的父亲、韩进集团(HanjinGroup)会长赵亮镐(ChoYang-ho)在企业集团内部为三个子女安排了高管的职位。该集团还经营海运、物流和酒店业务。

    Like other South Korean tycoons , Ms. Cho 's father , Cho Yang-ho , the chairman of the Hanjin Group , has placed his three children in executive posts in the conglomerate , which also runs shipping , logistics and hotel businesses .

  5. 事实证明,大韩航空KE86航班上的这名高管非同寻常:赵显娥(ChoHyun-ah)不仅是大韩航空机舱服务的负责人,其父还是经营该公司的家族企业集团的会长。

    This was no ordinary executive on Korean Air Flight 86 , as it turned out : Cho Hyun-ah was not only in charge of in-flight service for Korean Air , but is also a daughter of the chairman of the family-run conglomerate that operates the airline .

  6. 韩国国内媒体报道称,赵显娥曾对乘务人员大喊大叫。

    The domestic news media reported that Ms. Cho had screamed at the crew .

  7. 大韩航空的官员称,乘务长的回答有些笨拙,于是赵显娥要求他当场下飞机。

    He fumbled , Korean Air officials said , and Ms. Cho wanted him out , then and there .

  8. 对于给乘客和民众造成的麻烦,我表示歉意,赵显娥在周二的一份声明中说。

    I am sorry for causing trouble to the passengers and the people , Ms. Cho said in a statement on Tuesday .

  9. 法官判处赵显娥12个月的最低刑期,指出赵显娥有两个年幼的孩子并且已经表现出对其行为的悔悟。

    The judge imposed the minimum sentence of 12 months , noting that she had two young children and had expressed regret for her actions .

  10. 尽管在自己的企业帝国持有的股份相对较少比如,赵显娥的家族仅持有大韩航空约10%的股份但众所周知的是,他们对其子公司拥有不容挑战的权威。

    Although they own relatively small stakes in their corporate empires the Cho family owns about 10 percent of Korean Air , for instance they are known to wield unchallenged authority over their subsidiaries .

  11. 尽管在自己的企业帝国持有的股份相对较少——比如,赵显娥的家族仅持有大韩航空约10%的股份——但众所周知的是,他们对其子公司拥有不容挑战的权威。

    Although they own relatively small stakes in their corporate empires - the Cho family owns about 10 percent of Korean Air , for instance - they are known to wield unchallenged authority over their subsidiaries .

  12. 韩国交通部称,正在调查赵显娥的行为是否违反了该国的航空安全法律。相关法律禁止乘客制造干扰,如使用激烈言语或高声叫喊。

    The South Korean Transportation Ministry said it was investigating whether Ms. Cho 's behavior had violated the country 's aviation safety laws , which bar passengers from causing disturbances , like using violent language or yelling .

  13. 大韩航空公司就周五发生在纽约肯尼迪国际机场的事件致歉,事件经过是该航空公司副社长赵显娥因服务规格与乘务员发生争论。

    Korean Air apologized for Friday 's incident at New York 's John F. Kennedy International Airport in which Heather Cho , a vice president of the airline , took issue with a crew member for substandard service .

  14. 一些韩国新闻媒体称,大韩航空周二对赵显娥的处理只是表面文章,因为她保住了副社长的职位,也保住了在其父的韩进集团其他子公司中的高管职务。

    Some South Korean news outlets said that Korean Air 's action against Ms. Cho on Tuesday was superficial because she retained her vice-presidential title , as well as her executive roles in other subsidiaries of her father 's Hanjin Group .

  15. 该航空公司一名官员于周二晚些时候援引赵显娥的话回应路透社的电话采访,我就自己无意间引发社会骚动向我们的顾客以及韩国人民致歉,我请求所有受到影响的人员的谅解。

    I am sorry to our customers and the Korean people that I unintentionally caused social uproar and I ask forgiveness from anyone who has been hurt by me , a company official , speaking to Reuters by telephone , quoted Heather Cho as saying late on Tuesday .

  16. 不过该公司也给赵显娥的举动找了一个理由,称因机舱服务不当,她“自然”要惩罚乘务人员,并表示让飞机返回登机口的决定是与机长协商后作出的。

    But the company also offered an excuse for Ms. Cho 's behavior , saying that it was " natural " for her to chastise the crew for improper in-flight service and that the decision to take the plane back to the gate had been made in consultation with the pilot .