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  • 网络Empress Zhao Feiyan
  1. 据史籍记载,汉成帝微服出游,在其姐姐家遇到一绝代佳人,乃咸阳赵飞燕。

    According to historical records , EMPEROR travel incognito , in his sister met a peerless beauty , is Xianyang mermaid .

  2. 《赵飞燕外传》是从“史传”的母体里孕育出来的第一篇具有“传奇”文体特征的作品,是研究“传奇”生成的“活化石”。

    The Life Story of Zhao Fei-yan , bred from the historical works , is the first work with legendary style , so known as the living fossil of the legend .