
chèn zǎo
  • before it is too late;as early as possible;right away;as soon as possible;at the first opportunity
趁早 [chèn zǎo]
  • (1) [as soon as possible;before it is too late]∶指抓紧时机或提前行动

  • 趁早悔改

  • 我们还是趁早把场打完,免得雨淋

  • (2) [right away]∶没有耽搁或踌躇

  • 趁早签约雇用你

趁早[chèn zǎo]
  1. 我个人觉得移民要趁早,越年轻适应能力越强。

    I personally feel that immigrants as early as possible , the younger the stronger the ability to adapt .

  2. 如果这是我婚后要面对的状态,还是趁早逃之夭夭吧!

    If this is what I have to face after marriage state , or as early as possible right away !

  3. 这部剧糟透了,他们趁早拉倒吧。

    It 's a rotten play , so they can stick it

  4. 我得趁早制订计划。

    I have to decide my plan way in advance .

  5. 趁早预订以免落空。

    Book early to avoid disappointment .

  6. 我们知道战争即将爆发,决心要趁早抓住有利时机。

    We knew that war was coming , and were determined to make hay while we could .

  7. 你脸色不好,趁早去看看吧。

    You don 't look well . You 'd better go and see a doctor right away .

  8. 1997年,戴尔公司CEO迈克尔•戴尔曾经说过一番很著名的话。他说如果他是苹果(Apple)公司的CEO,他就会趁早关门,把钱还给股东。

    In1997 , Michael Dell famously declared that if he were CEO of Apple ( AAPL ), he would close shop and return the money to shareholders .

  9. 你最好还是趁早交代。

    You 'd better own up before it is too late .

  10. 让我们乞求他们趁早克制一下自己的偏见。

    Let us beg them to conquer their prejudice in time .

  11. 谁为他争论,趁早将谁治死。

    Whoever fights for him shall be put to death by morning !

  12. 我们必须趁早采取行动,否则来不及了。

    We must take action before it is too late .

  13. 我看还是趁早把他给扔了吧。

    I don 't want to give the king an ugly chicken .

  14. 你也有剑?有就趁早亮出来。

    You have a sword ? I suggest that you use it .

  15. 你最好趁早告诉我

    you better tell me before it 's too late .

  16. 应该趁早离开

    About getting out before it 's too late .

  17. 要出事了,我趁早离开是非之地。

    I don 't want to be around when the balloon goes up .

  18. 我叔叔是一个趁早赶路的人。

    My uncle is a son of the morning .

  19. 诶,这是这个圈子的规矩,小子,趁早学会。

    Ay , its rules in the game son , learn it young .

  20. 我还是趁早离开也许会比较好。

    I 'm leaving in a couple of days probably better like this .

  21. 对子女进行金钱教育应趁早。

    Educating children about money should begin early .

  22. 如果答案是不能的话,那么你还是趁早打消了修行的念头。

    If you can 't , please give up the idea to practice early .

  23. 你趁早别管闲事,要不然准有亏让你吃。

    You keep your nose out of this , or you might lose it .

  24. 你得趁早打消这种想法

    You gotta nip this in the bud .

  25. 第一条是我们得深虑远谋,(趁早)参与其中一些问题。

    Number one is we have to have foresight and anticipate some of these problems .

  26. 其实,很早就发现了,我闷闷不乐,想趁早摆脱忧郁。

    I have realized my depression very early and wanted to nip it in the bud .

  27. 好吧,你不如趁早到咸鱼店里去找我吧!”,

    Then you 'd better go to the salt-fish shop to look for me . ' "

  28. 我们应该趁早收手

    We should cut our losses .

  29. 要想孩子好,教育要趁早

    Silly child is soon taught

  30. 如果您有一些脊椎半脱位的情形,最好趁早做好脊椎保健。

    So , if you have subluxations , you could be a good candidate for chiropractic care .
