
chāo wài chā
  • superheterodyne;superhet
  1. 低功耗FSK超外差式接收电路设计

    Low-Power FSK Superheterodyne Receiver Based

  2. 利用超外差式接收和直接数字合成(DDS)技术设计了高频地波雷达频谱监测系统的前端电路。

    The design of a frontend circuit in the shortwave noise spectrum monitoring system is made by utilizing superheterodyne reception and direct digtal synthesis techniques .

  3. 在分析超外差FM中频接收拓扑结构的基础上,设计出一种用于FSK(移频键控)信号的单片FM中频接收电路系统。

    Based on the discussion of the topological structure of a superheterodyne FM receiver , a one chip FM receiver for FSK ( Frequency Shift Keying ) signal has been designed .

  4. 本模块接收机设计采用超外差二次变频,主要由低噪声放大器、调谐滤波器、混频器、中放电路和AGC控制电路等几部分组成,实现了大动态范围接收技术指标。

    Using superheterodyne second frequency conversion , this module receiver design is composed of LNA , tuned filter , mixer , IF amplifier circuit and AGC control circuit to implement large dynamic range receive technical criteria .

  5. 针对指标要求通过对超外差式前端结构进行分析和讨论,提出了采用两次下变频的超外差式结构及两级数字自动增益控制(AGC)电路的总体解决方案。

    In the light of the requirement of technical indexes , the architecture of a superheterodyne RF front-end is analyzed and discussed . A solution of double conversion superheterodyne RF front-end and two digital Automatic Gain Control ( AGC ) circuits is proposed .

  6. 对锁相技术和超外差接收机结构进行了讨论,并对3mm系统中的锁相源进行了设计,它们被用于发射机的信号源和接收机本振中。

    Phase-locking techniques and superheterodyne receiver structures are discussed . And the phase-locked sources in transmitters , the local oscillators and the IF modules in receivers are analyzed and designed . 3 .

  7. 本文提出了用于230一300MHz太阳声光射电频谱仪的宽频带超外差式接收机的基本设计指标和方框图。

    The fundamental designing indices and block diagram of a wideband superheterodyne receiver for the 230-300 MHz solar radio acousto-optic spectro-graph have been proposed .

  8. 超外差调频接收技术在叶尖间隙测量中的应用

    Application of superheterodyne FM reception in measurement of blade tip clearance

  9. 并针对超外差方案进行了组网的研究与应用。

    And the superheterodyne scheme was carried out network research and application .

  10. 超长预应力混凝土结构温差收缩效应分析中和式超外差接收机

    Analysis of temperature variation and shrinkage effects on ultra-long prestressed concrete structure

  11. 艾德温?阿姆斯特朗开发接收机电路&超外差式收音机。

    Edwin Armstrong develops a receiving circuit - the superheterodyne .

  12. 超外差式收音机安装调试指导

    Installation and Debugging for Supersonic Heterodyne Receiver

  13. 超外差光学膜厚的精密测量

    Opto-heterodyne measurement of thickness of coated films

  14. 光学超外差法小平面角精密测量

    Precise opto-heterodyne measurement of small plane angle

  15. 双变频超外差式接收机单轴双轮自平衡车姿态检测方案设计

    Dual-conversion superheterodyne receiver The Design of the Self-Balance Two Wheel Vehicle 's Attitude Estimation System

  16. 超外差式测量仪器输入端常见故障分析

    Analysis on the reason of the frequent malfunction in input parts of the superhet measuring instrument

  17. 超外差接收机的噪声系数

    Noise Figures of the Superheterodyne Receivers

  18. 但是相对于经典的超外差结构,在零中频结构的接收机中射频损伤将更为严重。

    However , zero IF architecture suffers from greater RF impairment comparing with classical heterodyne architectures .

  19. 为实现宽带工作,接收机采用了超外差结构中的二次变频方案进行设计,第一中频为高中频。

    The high-intermediate-frequency superheterodyne structure with dual-conversion is used in the receiver to realize the wideband receiving .

  20. 接收机采用了超外差的方式,合理地设计了各次变频增益的指标分配。

    The form of superheterodyne receiver is used , and a reasonable conversion gain distribution is designed .

  21. 高性能超外差式接收机

    High performance superheterodyne receiver

  22. 现代通信系统中,通常采用超外差式接收方案,混频器成为不可缺少的关键部件。

    The super-heterodyne receiver is always applied in modern communication system , so mixer becomes the key part .

  23. 文本用纵向塞曼双频稳频激光器作光源,提出了一种光学超外差法小平面角的精密测量方法。

    This paper discussed an opto-heterodyne technique for small-plane-angle measurement with a frequency-stabilized longitudinal Zeeman laser as the light source .

  24. 这是一个误解认为在超外差式需要多次变频,其实不是。

    It is a misconception to think many stages in the superheterodyne chain are a plus , it is not .

  25. 基于目前流行的数字中频接收技术,分析了I/Q调制和直接变频接收机的性能,提出超外差变频的总体系统方案。

    The performances of I / Q modulation and direct converter receiver are analyzed to set down the system scheme .

  26. 本文首先指出了超外差接收机的固有缺点,即它有更多的虚假响应。

    This paper first discusses the instinct disadvantage of a superheterodyne receiver , which is that it has more spurious response .

  27. 该射频单元直接决定了整个抗干扰模块的动态范围和信噪比,它基于传统的超外差拓扑结构,由低噪声放大器、混频器、频率合成器以及自动增益放大器等单元组成。

    These RF units based on superheterodyne structure are composed of low noise amplifier , mixer , frequency synthesizer and AGC etc.

  28. 课题采用传统的三次变频超外差结构设计,第一中频为高中频以抑制镜像频率。

    The high-intermediate-frequency superheterodyne structure with third conversions is adopted in the final design scheme , the Image of input-frequency is restrained .

  29. 并以超外差接收机的工作原理为例,说明了虚拟实验教学的特点和作用。

    In this paper , a superheterodyne receiver is taken as an example to illustrate the characteristic and effect of virtual experiment teaching .

  30. 本文采用两次变频超外差结构设计T/R系统架构,并进行链路预算和系统分析。

    This paper designs T / R systematic frame based on the structure of double-conversion super heterodyne , and analyses the link budget and system .