
chāo biāo
  • Exceeding the standard;exceed the prescribed limit;exceed a quota
  1. 噪音超标会处以罚款。

    There are fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution .

  2. 空气污染已经超标。

    Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level .

  3. 体重超标的主要原因是饮食过量。

    The major reason for excess weight is excess eating .

  4. 据英国癌症研究院统计,每二十个癌症病例中就有超过一例是因体重超标而导致的。

    More than one in 20 cancer cases are caused by excess body weight , according to Cancer Research UK .

  5. 地下水超标项目主要为pH值、氟化物及细菌个数。

    The overweight items of groundwater are pH , fluoride , and bacteria number .

  6. 黄酒pH值指标范围的探讨及超标的预防控制

    Probe into pH Target Range of Shao Xing Wine & Prevention and Control of Target-Exceeding

  7. 热法磷酸生产尾气排放P2O5超标原因分析及对策

    Cause Analysis and Countermeasures for Excessive P_2O_5 in The Offgas Discharged from Thermal-process Phosphoric Acid Production

  8. Cr的单项污染指数超标的有6个样品;

    There are 6 sampling space that single pollution index of Cr exceed the standard ;

  9. 超标项目主要有pH值、三氮、Mn2+等。

    The major transnormal items include pH values , tri-nitrogen and the ions Mn ~ ( 2 + ) .

  10. 污水COD超标的影响因素及解决措施

    Discussion of Factors Affecting Overproof COD and Countermeasures

  11. As、Cd超标率最高,分别为23.2%和16.9%。

    As and Cd have the highest standard exceeding ratios of 23.2 % and 16.9 % , respectively .

  12. 反渗透入水COD(Mn)超标的原因分析及处理

    Reason Analysis and Treatment for COD_ ( Mn ) Exceeding Set Standard in Entering Water for Reverse Osmosis

  13. 对非金属夹杂物含量超标的CrNiMoVN材料进行了疲劳和应力腐蚀性能试验。

    Fatigue and stress corrosion property tests were performed for a Cr-Ni-Mo-V-N steel , which had a non-metallic inclusion content exceeding standards .

  14. Cd是惠州市蔬菜中的主要污染元素,超标率为15.8%,最高值为标准值的1.86倍;

    Cd was the major pollutant element in Huizhou , and 15.8 % of the samples exceeded the concentration of official standards .

  15. 除CH4和细菌总数超标外,其余各项未超标。

    Although the concentrations of CH_4 and bacteria were superstandard the other indexes were not .

  16. 大网膜间隙观测TSP的含量严重超标;

    Observations of Greater Omental Interspace the density of TSP went beyond the standard greatly ;

  17. 其中,As的污染较为普遍,Cd的污染虽然超标率较高,但潜在污染增长趋势不明显。

    Although the standard-exceeding ratio of Cd is higher than As , the potential increasing trend of pollutant of Cd is not apparent .

  18. SF6断路器分合闸时间及三相不同期超标的处理

    Handling of Switching off and Switching in Time and Three-phase Un-synchronization for SF_6 Circuit Breaker

  19. 结果表明室内常规污染物中颗粒物和CO在采暖季节均超标,但用天然气厨房为最低;

    The results show that the levels of Particles and CO in the heating season were much higher than the standards , but they were the lOwest in NG ;

  20. IPA(异丙醇)的使用超标可能会造成严重的环境问题。

    Over usage of IPA might cause severe environment problem .

  21. 结果表明,喷嘴材料中Ni含量偏低及高温渗硫所引起的S含量超标是导致喷嘴开裂的主要原因。

    The results show that the main reasons for the nozzle failure are the lower Ni content and the excessive S content caused from sulfurizing under high temperature .

  22. 食具细菌总数超标率为62.56%,大肠菌群阳性率73.71%,HBsAg阳性率6.78%,各种食具中以碗被污染最重。

    The positive rates of coli-group and HBsAg are 73.71 % and 6.78 % , respectively ; the bowls are contaminated most seriously .

  23. 由于钻井污水经混凝处理后仍存在COD、色度超标问题,因此需采用其他方法深度处理污水。

    Because of the over state standard problems of COD and chromaticity remaining after coagulating drilling sewage , other strong measures of treating sewage were needed .

  24. 水稻糙米中Cu和Zn都未超标,Cd超标率为79.2%。

    The stipulated standards were not exceed by the concentrations of Cu and Zn in brown rice . The over standard rate of Cd in brown rice was 79.2 % .

  25. 而Cd的污染最为严重,常规蔬菜Cd的超标率为98.7%,无公害蔬菜Cd的超标率为85.2%。

    And the pollution of Cd is the most serious . The exceeding standard rate of Cd is 98.7 % on the routine vegetables and non-polluted vegetable is 85.2 % .

  26. 结果表明:第四纪红土发育的土壤综合污染指数处于警戒线附近,仅Cd出现15%的超标,未受到其他重金属的污染;

    The results showed that the soils derived from Quaternary red clay contain warning limit of heavy metals , and only 15 % of the soils are polluted by Cd .

  27. 常规环氧树脂滤砂管甲醛和甲苯严重超标,对生产和施工人员及环境有一定的伤害,因此在环氧树脂滤砂管的基础上开发了GD环保型滤砂管。

    The conventional ethoxyline sand-screening pipe is harmful to both the operators and the environment because of containing excessive formaldehyde and toluene .

  28. 通过对锅炉管爆裂处的金相组织、成分、力学性能、腐蚀产物和供水指标的观测与分析,找出了爆裂的原因。结果表明:供水pH值超标,H~+离子聚集以至形成甲烷气泡并相互连接;

    To find the cause of damage , the microstructure in the section of tube crevasse , chemical composition , mechanical properties , corrosion product and water quality were observed and analyzed . index ;

  29. 为了防止封闭型工作环境空气中CO2的含量超标,应用低温液化的方法来分离空气中CO2。

    The cryogenic liquefaction is applied to separate CO_2 from the air , for the sake of preventing the transnormal CO_2 composition of airproof air in the airtight working environment .

  30. B区坑道内CO2、TVOC是主要污染物,平均浓度分别超标1.62倍和1倍。

    CO_2 and TVOC was also the major pollutants in region B , the average value of which exceeded the national standard by 1.62 and 1 times respectively ;