
  • 网络Beyond function;transcendental function;the transcendent function
  1. 我们会想拥有超越功能以外的东西,而这就是艺术的起源,这就是精品的开始。

    Human beings want something going beyond functionality , and this is the birth of art and this is the birth of luxury .

  2. 它不仅仅为信息传达所用,在以信息为平台与人沟通的同时,是否存在一种超越功能的精神互动?本文从哲学角度来思考视觉传达设计的本质。

    At the same time , visual communication applies information as a platform to communicate with the others , maybe it exists far superior functions in spiritual interactions . This paper will ponder the essence of visual convey design from philosophy .

  3. 论文化在社会建设中的超越性功能

    On the Transcendent Functions of Culture in Societal Building

  4. 论文化的超越性功能

    The Ability of Culture to Transcend

  5. 尤其是人生民俗和信仰民俗的超越性功能,更为审美活动提供了同构超越的心理基础。

    The transcendence of living in and believing in folk customs , in particular , offers a psychological basis of uniform transcendence for aesthetic activity .

  6. 21世纪,品牌超越产品功能而给消费者带来的感官、情结或价值上的满足将变得越来越重要。

    In the 21st century , the satisfaction in sensory , complex or value for consumers brought by brand surpass product function is becoming more and more important .

  7. 品牌文化蕴涵着品牌超越物质功能属性的价值理念、品位、情趣、情感抒发等精神元素,可以赋予品牌独特的内涵和个性,是品牌触动消费者心灵的关键所在。

    Brand culture includes spirit elements such as value idea , taste and interests , and it can give distinctive connotation and individuality to a brand , which is the key factor of moving consumers .

  8. 本文对上海浦东国际机场航站楼设计的介绍范畴超越了功能布局、运转流程.造型等必备的基本因素而突出其反映航站楼设计未来趋向的设计理念。

    Not focusing on the basic elements , such as function layout , flow organization , the article introduces the design idea of Shanghai Pudong international Airport Terminal , which reflects the design trend of the terminals in the future .

  9. 其中大多数服务都是以RESTAPI的形式提供,应用创建后通过用户行为与多样化的服务相互作用,可以产生更多超越服务本身功能的体验。

    Many of these services expose a REST API so that applications can be created that interact with that information on behalf of their users in ways that go well beyond that service 's core functionality .

  10. 产品形态超越人的功能需求进入了感性需求。

    As a result , the perceptual demand of product form design exceeds people 's functional demands .

  11. 超越来电显示功能,识别给您留言的人是谁,而不仅仅是显示来电号码。

    Move beyond Caller ID and identify who left you a message , not just what number they called from .

  12. 但是道路交通法律仍然要求司机有能力控制车辆,手动超越自动驾驶功能。

    But road traffic laws still require the driver to be able to take control of the vehicle and override autonomous functions .

  13. 艺术的“美学形式”具有“疏隔”和“超越”的功能,它通过社会现实的物质力量发挥革命功能。

    The " aesthetic form " of art is imbued with " distancing " and " transcending " functions , and by way of the material force of social reality comes to pass its revolutionary function .

  14. 学报编辑思维的更新主要从三方面着手:一、更新传统观念,确立现代开放意识:二、超越文化传播功能,增强学报的文化建构意识;

    To achieve this goal , the following steps can be taken : first , renew the traditional ideas and establish a modern and open working thought ; secondly , break through it traditional function of culture communication , strengthen the culture construction of the university journal ;

  15. 记忆具有文学史的超越性和价值功能,即这种记忆不只是简单实录文学史现象,而是有着整合作用,它是建立文学秩序的关键步骤。

    It also has the nature of transcendency and valuable function which plays a pivotal role in the foundation of literature order .

  16. 随着系统集成技术的快速发展,消费电子类产品已经超越传统的单一功能模式,正朝着一体化,智能化,无线化方向发展。

    With the development of all kinds of integration techniques , the consumer electronics have exceeded the single function mode , and are developing into multi-function , intelligent , and wireless .