
  1. 这种奇迹般的复合增长意味着,中国注定会超越增长放缓的美国。

    The wonders of compound growth meant that China was always going to overtake the slower-growing US .

  2. 当年巨人集团的失败曾一度引起人们对可持续增长这样一种超越增长不足和增长过度的理想增长方式的探讨。

    A few years ago , sustainable growth , as a manner free of excessive or insufficient growth , had become a focal point because of the collapse of GIANT GROUP .

  3. 《世界发展指标》超越增长和贫困率,提出收入如何分配,医疗和教育是否不断改善,并对经营环境进行评估。

    The World Development Indicators go beyond growth and poverty rates to ask how income is distributed , whether health care and education are improving , and to assess the business environment .

  4. 可持续增长是一种超越增长不足或增长过度的理想增长方式,但目前有关可持续增长方面的研究更多地还是停留在可持续增长率的计算阶段。

    Sustainable growth , as a manner free of excessive or insufficient growth , is an ideal growth pattern . Research in this field , however , is still mostly focused on the calculation of sustainable growth rate .

  5. 而后者恰恰就是股市回报得以超越GDP增长的原因。

    It is this latter component that enables investors to achieve returns in excess of GDP growth .

  6. 台湾一直在竭力超越全球增长低迷的大形势,但收效有限。

    Taiwan has struggled with limited success to rise above sluggish global growth .

  7. 使命宣言:持续超越客户不断增长的期望。

    Our mission : continuously exceed customer 's increasing expectations .

  8. 在国家发展经济的时候,如果想要超越低成本增长的模式,就必须通过创新和研发增加生产率。

    As countries develop economically , and move beyond a narrow cost based growth model , productivity gains through innovation and research acquire an added importance .

  9. 政府智囊团昨日表示,中国应考虑调整计划生育政策,因为结构性问题已超越过快增长成为最重要的人口问题。

    CHINA should consider adjusting its family planning policy , as structural problems have overtaken excessive growth as the most significant population-related problem , a government think tank said yesterday .

  10. 最近的数据显示中国有望在第四季度超越8%的增长目标,但同时它们也显示货币供应增幅达到创纪录水平,意味着通胀压力逐渐增加。

    Recent figures have shown the country is on course to exceed its 8 per cent growth target in the fourth quarter , but they also show money supply growth hitting record levels , implying a build-up of inflationary pressures .

  11. 根据政府向来行之有效的理财原则,政府开支增长不可超越整体经济的增长。

    According to our well-established budgetary principles , government expenditure should grow no faster than the economy as a whole .

  12. 如今,印度每月新增1500万用户,早在数年前就超越中国,成为增长最快的电信市场。

    The country , now adding 15m subscribers a month , overtook China as the fastest growing telecoms market several years ago .

  13. 巴菲特在其50多年的投资生涯中,以大大超越市场指数的增长率实现着投资高回报。

    In more than 50 years of Buffett 's investment life , he got the high return , exceeding the market index greatly .