
  • 网络over budget;Beyond Budgeting
  1. 这款飞机已经超预算,而且投入使用的时间比计划至少晚了3年。

    The aircraft is already over budget and entered service at least three years behind schedule .

  2. 相当显著数量的项目由于超预算,在它们被完成前就被取消了。

    A significant number of projects are so over budget that they are cancelled prior to completion .

  3. 浅析招标工程结算超预算、概算问题

    On the settlement of ultra-tender the project budget , budget issues Perspective

  4. 完善超预算收入的管理。

    We will strengthen the management of revenues that exceed budget forecasts .

  5. 他已成功承建6座水坝按时完工且不超预算

    He 's already built six dams on time and under budget .

  6. 严格进行基建管理,杜绝超预算工程的发生。

    Be strict with construction management and prohibit those construction projects that exceed their budgets .

  7. 众所周知软件危机,简单地说就是:软件质量达不到要求,软件项目无法按时完成,和软件项目的开支超预算。

    Well-known " software crisis ", simply is : software projects can not be completed on time as poor quality , and the costs over budget .

  8. 这个超预算的计划包括建造让宇航员到达低地球轨道的航天飞机的替代物、新一代的火箭以及用于月球基地的艇舱。

    The over-budget program includes building a replacement for the space shuttle to allow astronauts to reach low-earth orbit , a new-generation rocket and modules for a moon base .

  9. 据彭博社报道,2012伦敦奥运会有望成为16年以来超预算最多的一次奥运会,原因是奥组委未能准确预计安保需求和私人投资总额。

    The London 2012 Olympics are on course to be the most over-budget games in 16 years after organizers have failed to accurately forecast security demands and private investment , Bloomberg reported .

  10. 传统上,这些公共项目主要由政府投资建设和监管使用,政府既负责投资审批,又直接管理项目施工建设,经常产生超预算、超标准、超进度及建设工程质量等诸多问题。

    Traditionally , these public projects are invested by the government and regulators , the government is responsible for investment approval , the direct management of project construction , which often results in over-budget , over-standard , over-progress .

  11. 许多实施项目管理的公司其项目执行的成功率不是很高,一般只达到60~70%,仍然有很多项目面临延期、超预算、无法满足客户的质量要求等问题。

    The success rate of project execution is not very high in many companies , about 60 ~ 70 % in generally . There are many problems such as delay , out of budget , not satisfying the requirement of customers .

  12. 实际应用表明,本课题研究成果有助于全面把握工程的实施和进展,及时发现和解决施工资源和成本控制出现的矛盾和冲突,可减少工程超预算,保障资源供给。

    The actual application shows that the research results help enterprises comprehensively grasp the implementation and progress of projects , find and solve the conflicts appeared in resources management and cost control timely , reduce the phenomenons of budget excess and ensure the supply of resources .

  13. 简要总结编制施工图预算的步骤和经验,指出影响施工图预算准确性的因素,阐述施工图结算超预算的原因,提出有效控制工程造价的方法。

    Summarize step and experience of working out working drawing budget briefly , point out the factor influencing working drawing budget accuracy , explain the reason why the construction drawing closes the ultra budget , put forward the method to control the fabrication cost of the project effectively .

  14. “BC当地新闻报”报道说,临时维护费用将超过12万美元,这远超当前预算。

    The BC Local News reported that total cost to temporarily repair the bridge would reach $ 120,000 , which is more than is available in the budget .

  15. 2014年,美国财政紧缩幅度将仅相当于GDP的0.4%,而人们普遍预计GDP增长将超过3%,远超国会预算办公室(CBO)目前估计的潜在产出增幅&约2%。

    The US fiscal stance will tighten by only 0.4 per cent of GDP this year , and GDP growth is widely expected to exceed 3 percent , well above the current CBO estimate of about 2 per cent for the growth in potential output .

  16. 在找寻高质量教育、社会生活丰富的学习处,又不想超了预算?

    Looking for a study destination that will offer high-quality education and a rich social life without breaching your budget ?

  17. 竣工决算超施工图预算的原因剖析及防治

    A study on the causes of completion budget beyond working drawing estimate and its prevention measures

  18. 在我国固定资产投资领域内,普遍存在着概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算的现象。

    The phenomena of financial estimation exceeding budget , budget exceeding financial estimation and final accounts exceeding budget exist popularly in our domain of fixed assets investment .

  19. 基建工程决算审计中的问题、原因及重点竣工决算超施工图预算的原因剖析及防治

    Stressing the Essential Question in Order to Do Well Audit of Capital construction Engineering Returns A study on the causes of completion budget beyond working drawing estimate and its prevention measures

  20. 在我国工程项目成本控制领域长期存在概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算的不正常现象,严重影响着建设工程的投资效益。

    The abnormal phenomena such as budget estimate exceeding estimate , budget exceeding budget estimate and final accounts exceeding budget exist in the field of cost control for project investment for a long time in China , the investment efficiency of the construction projects is seriously affected therefore .

  21. 超党派的国会预算办公室表示,今年内经济将以适中的步伐持续复苏,失业率将徘徊在8%以上。

    The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says the economy will keep recovering at a modest pace for the rest of this year , with unemploymentlingeringabove 8 % .

  22. 但是由于我国现阶段建筑业的总体管理水平还比较低,很多项目存在超工期、超预算现象,浪费情况依然严重,质量、安全事故时有发生。

    But at present , the overall management level of the construction industry is relatively low , there are still lots of problems in project management , such as over budget , beyond duration , serious waste , quality and safety accidents occurring frequently and so on .

  23. 但从近些年来的相关调查发现,在我国建设项目成本管理中存在普遍而且非常严重的三超(概算超估算,预算超概算,决算超预算)问题。

    But , according to some investigations on cost management of construction projects , there are at large and even very severity cost overrun risks , which are general estimates over rough estimates , budgetary estimates over general estimates and final accounts over budget .

  24. 长期以来,工程建设投资控制中存在着不少问题:比如三超现象,即概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算;

    There are a lot of problems of investment control in project for a long time .