
chāo é
  • excess;above quota;overfulfil the quota;overbalance;above the quota;exceed norm
超额 [chāo é]
  • [exceed norm;above quota] 超出规定数额

  • 超额提成奖

超额[chāo é]
  1. 信用卡能诱使你超额消费。

    Credit cards can tempt you to overstretch yourself .

  2. 她借的数量没有超额。

    The amounts she borrowed were not excessive .

  3. 飞机拥挤不堪,航空公司超额售票,起飞时间几乎从未准点过。

    Planes are crowded , airlines overbook , and departures are almost never on time .

  4. 超额纳税者申领退款可以从去年4月算起。

    Anyone who has overpaid tax will be able to backdate their claim to last April .

  5. 他一连两个月超额完成生产指标。

    He overfulfilled his production quota for two months running .

  6. 今天,这个生产小组超额完成了定额。

    The production group has overfulfilled the quota today .

  7. 公司巨头们企图压低工资以获得超额利润。

    The corporate giants try to drive down wages in order to make superprofits .

  8. 虽说完成任务是困难的,但是他们坚持干下去,结果超额完成了任务。

    It was rather hard to fulfill the task , but they held on and overfulfilled it .

  9. 历经10个多月,康卡斯特公司收到了近12000份消费者投诉,很多都与其每月数据限额和超额收费有关。

    Over 10 months , Comcast received nearly 12,000 customer complaints , many relating to its monthly data cap and overage charges .

  10. 这说明,如果自己创业,你就不应该超额消费。

    It just goes to show , if you set up your own business , you shouldn 't spend money you don 't have . "

  11. Greentape指某个项目正式开始之前需要通过大量的环保法规和方针政策的审核,由此可能导致项目延后以及成本超额,我们可以暂且称之为“环保类条条框框”。

    Green tape refers to excessive environmental regulations and guidelines that must be followed before an official action can be taken , which may lead to delays and cost blowouts on projects .

  12. 本文的实证研究采用了两种方法:累计超额报酬率法(CAR法)和线性回归法。

    The empirical study adopts two methods : cumulate abnormal return ( CAR ), and linear regression method .

  13. 首次公开发行新股(InitialPublicOffering,简称IPO)的初始超额收益在各国资本市场都普遍存在。

    The initial underpricing of Initial Public Offering ( IPO ) exists in many capital markets .

  14. 标的资产具有超额峰度de二项式期权定价模型

    Binomial Option Pricing in the Case of Excess Kurtosis of Asset Returns

  15. 充分激活的阴极表面层是由(Ba,Sr,Ca)O和超额Ba构成的。超额Ba是电子发射的源泉。

    The surfaee layer of a well activated eathode consists of ( Ba , Sr , Ca ) O + Ba .

  16. 在超额持现与企业市场竞争力关系方面,实证结果表明,二者之间呈显著的倒U关系。

    In excess of the relationship with the enterprise market competitiveness , the empirical results show that there is a significant inverted U relationship between them .

  17. 黄金热要破灭,可能需要等到一家交易“月球黄金”的电子商务网站首次公开募股(IPO)严重超额认购、募集资金达200亿美元的时候。

    A gold mania probably won 't burst until we see , say , 'GoldontheMoon . com'raise $ 20 billion in a heavily-oversubscribed IPO .

  18. 为了获得这种评级,efsf被迫同意提供超额抵押。

    To obtain the rating , the EFSF had to agree to an over-collateralisation .

  19. 研究发现,中国股市过度超额初始回报率的本质是对二级市场的高估,它与国外的IPO价值低估有着本质区别。

    It turns out that the overpricing of secondary market is strongly associated with the excess initial return , which is different from the Western countries essentially .

  20. 将超额Gibbs函数模型与修正的硬球三参数状态方程(MCSPT方程)相结合,导出由基团贡献模型定义的状态方程参数混合规则。

    A new mixing rule was proposed by combining the hard-sphere three-parameter equation of state and the excess Gibbs energy model .

  21. 研究结果表明,ST公司重组后三年的平均累积超额收益显著为正,超额收益呈先上升后下降的态势;

    The results suggest that cumulative average abnormal return ( hereinafter CAAR for short ) of ST corporations is significantly positive in after restructuring , CAAR ascends and then falls ;

  22. 利用F函数改进的立方状态方程&FRKS方程,并在二元互作用函数中引入压力项因子,对高压下二元系的超额体积进行拟合。

    The F function modified cubic equation of state-FRKS and the improved binary interaction function by introducing the pressure factor , were used to correlate excess volumes of binary mixtures at high pressure .

  23. IPO长期业绩的早期研究以算术平均的累计调整收益率为指标,发现我国新股存在着长期超额报酬。

    By equal-weighted CAR , former researches on the long-run performance of Chinese IPOs have found that IPOs in Chinese stock exchanges outperform index in the three years after going public .

  24. 如果像预期那样,Facebook投资者和承销商在未来几周通过超额配售,额外出售6300万股股份,此次发行规模可能超过通用汽车。

    If an additional over-allotment of 63m shares of Facebook held by investors and underwriters are sold in the coming weeks , as they are expected to be , the IPO could surpass GM.

  25. 接着,今年4月,就在Tenet指控CHS涉嫌超额收治患者、从联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)套取资金后一周,CHS又发出了全现金收购要约。

    CHS then made the offer all-cash in April a week after tenet sued it for allegedly over-admitting patients to draw more money from Medicare .

  26. 按照上述思路,在梳理相关文献的基础上,论文首先运用累计超额收益法(CAR)考察了我国上市公司超能力派现的市场反应。

    On the basis of reviewing the existing literature , the paper examined the market reaction of the ultra-ability dividends payout announcement by Cumulative Abnormal Return method ( CAR ) The empirical result shows that the market reaction is quite impassive and even negative .

  27. 分析结果表明ST公司重组后三年内平均累积超额收益(CAAR)显著为正。

    The results show that cumulative average abnormal return ( CAAR ) is significantly positive in three years after ST corporate restructuring .

  28. 高涨的认购超额水平,势必使股价在交易首日飙升,使上市公司能为“成功的IPO”而自吹自擂,也使排了数小时队的散户投资者得到回报。

    Such levels of oversubscription ensure sharp rises on the first day of trading , enabling companies to boast of a " successful IPO " and rewarding investors for the long hours spent queuing .

  29. 你必须寻觅满足以下条件的公司:(a)它正以低价被抛售,但是(b)它致力于创造价值,以超额现金开展某些活动,构建每股账面价值,并且取得良好的股本回报率。

    You have to look for companies that ( a ) are selling cheap but ( b ) are committed to value creation , to doing something with their excess cash , to building book value per share , and to getting a good return on equity .

  30. 在278.15&318.15K范围内DMF-H2O体系的超额摩尔体积及DMF的表观摩尔体积和偏摩尔体积的测定与研究

    Excess molar volumes of mixtures of n , N-dimethylformamide and water and apparent molal volumes and partial molal volumes of n , N-dimethylformamide in water from 278 . 15K to 318 . 15K