
  1. 而到目前为止,只有我们的杜布森先生却是越战越勇。

    But until now Mr Dobson has gone from strength to strength .

  2. 唯一能让他越战越勇的只有网球。

    The only place he even tried to score was on the tennis court .

  3. 李青说,虽然这些年史铁生一直重病在身,痛苦的透析折磨着他,但他毅力超强,与病魔越战越勇。

    Li Qing said that although Shi had been tortured by disease and dialysis all these years , he fought bravely with it with iron will .

  4. 当初竞选艰难的时候——当对手强悍时,他做了伟大领导人所做的事:他深耕细作、勤奋努力,渐入佳境、越战越勇。

    When the primaries got tough and they were tough , he did what any great leader does . He dug deeper , worked harder , got better and became stronger .