
yuè quán xínɡ wéi
  • ultra vires act
  1. 对企业法人越权行为与法定代表人越权行为的关系作出界定,有利于正确划分法人的内部责任,但我国现行立法并未对此作出规定。

    To define the relationship between ultra vires act of enterprise as legal person and that of legal representative can help to decide inside responsibility of enterprise as legal person .

  2. 最近他曾公开反对欧洲央行(ecb)越权行为。

    This week he publicly warned against the ECB exceeding its mandate .

  3. 制止期刊评定中的越权行为

    Curbing the actions in excess of authority in periodical evaluation

  4. 法人越权行为效力之确定

    On Conduct Efficacy of Corporation Exceeding Its Instructions

  5. 论公司越权行为原则

    On Principle of Exceeding Company 's Authority

  6. 倘若一名球员对其队友指指点点,就好像能够左右他们的就业状态一样,这样的行为总会被解读为不尊重他人的越权行为。

    A player talking about his teammates as if he holds authority over their employment status will always read as a disrespectful overreach .

  7. 同时在《企业法人登记管理条例》中规定了对法人从事越权行为时的相关行政处罚。

    Meanwhile had stipulated in " Business entity Registration Act of administration " is engaged to the legal man exceeds authority time the behavior related administrative sanctions .

  8. 从大陆法系和英美法系各个国家对越权行为的立法规制来看,各个国家采用了不同的学说。

    To exceed authority the behavior legislative rules and regulations looking from the mainland legal system and UK-US legal system each country , each country has used the different theory .

  9. 在世界性的废除法人越权行为原则之际,国内法律界对公司越权对外担保依然讳莫如深。

    In the worldwide abolition of the principle of the artificial person 's exceeding his authority , the domestic legal authority to the company 's external security remains a closely guarded secret .

  10. 公司越权行为由绝对无效发展到相对无效,是基于法律对秩序价值的选择,也是公司作为市场主体对潜在利益追求的结果。

    Exceeding company 's authority has gone from absolute invalidity to comparative invalidity , and it is the choice of law to order value and result of company 's chase of interest .

  11. 一般情况下,法人都是在其经营范围内进行活动,但有时法人也会作出超越其经营范围的行为,即越权行为。

    In the ordinary circumstances , the legal man activate in its management scope , but sometimes the legal man also behave overstep its management scope , namely the behavior exceeding management scope .

  12. 如果总行对分支机构控制失效,就会出现分支机构越权行为,由此出现的风险最终由总行承担。

    If the head office cannot efficiently control the activities of branches , the branches will overstep their authority , but the emerging risks from the overstepping are ultimately taken by the head office .

  13. 因此得出我国立法规制的学说基础即权利能力说和行为能力说都是不妥的。内部责任说才是最合理的,也就是说法人的越权行为是有效的。

    Therefore obtained the theory foundation which our country legislated to regulate is right ability mediates the capacity to say as well as other two theories is improper , i.e. the legal man exceeded authority the behavior is effective .

  14. 公民和法人越权行为无效认定的传统民法理论受到合同立法的挑战,确定非法人组织的合同主体资格是合同立法的国际趋势。

    The traditional civil law theory on nullity identification about acts in excess of authority of citizens and legal persons is challenged by the contract legislation , of which the international trend is to determine contract entity qualifications of non-juridical-person organizations .

  15. 在该隧道项目施工管理中,通过对各个岗位责任制度的建立,明确了每个员工的工作职责,控制了越权行为和不规范操作,减少了事故的发生和员工之间的冲突。

    In the managing the tunnel construction project , the system of post responsibility is established and work duties of each staff are clarified . As a result , it controls acts of excess exercise of power and improper operations , and reduces accidents and conflicts among staffs as well .

  16. 经理越权代表行为的法律后果与责任

    On the legal effect and liability of the ultra vires act of manager

  17. 论越权代表行为的法律效力

    On the legal validity of the ultra vires act

  18. 有好几次,他被指越权及行为残忍,但他经常获得提拔。

    On several occasions , he was accused of exceeding orders and of atrocities , but he was regularly promoted .

  19. 对董事的越权代表行为制度,作者一个总的指导思想是,在兼顾维护公司重大利益的同时,应更倾向于保护交易的安全和提高交易的效率。

    Paying more attention to protect the satety and high efficiency of the transaction , besides the corporate 's vital interests , is the general guiding thought .

  20. 完善对越权代表行为的法律控制,需要健全有关法律,增强内部控制机制,健全公司章程。

    For the purpose of controlling ultra vires of corporate president , it is necessary to amend and modify relevant laws and regulations , to enhance system of control inside company and to amplify articles of association .

  21. 行政主体越权实施行政行为是经常发生、也是最典型的行政失范现象。

    The administrative subject into practicing administrative behavior , which usually takes place and also is of the most typical administrative power out of control .

  22. 股东的制止请求权是对董事会或董事越权、违法行为制止的权利。

    The shareholder 's right of prevention is a right to stop the ultra vires acts and illegal acts of the board of directors or the director .

  23. 越权,做出越权行为所以请不要越权要求管理者关闭主题。

    So please do not exceed authority to request the superintendent to close the subject .

  24. 对行政越权的救济应当从抽象行政行为越权与具体行政行为越权两个方面进行。

    Exceeding powers in administration should be redressed by abstract and concrete ways .

  25. 越权立法的认定与处理如何限制公司经理越权代表公司的行为,控制经理阶层权力的扩张,是现代公司法普遍关注的问题,它要求必须首先明确经理权的概念及其性质。

    Most modern company legislations pay much attention to the ways based on the conception and nature of manager ′ s right to restrict managers ′ ultra vires acts , and to control the extension of the power of manager stratum .