
qū xìng
  • taxis
趋性[qū xìng]
  1. 蚜虫对金黄色具有正趋性,对银灰色具有负趋性。

    The aphid possess positive taxis to golden and negative taxis to silver grey .

  2. 美洲斑潜蝇对矮生菜豆上、下部叶片的次生物质的趋性没有显著差异。

    There was no significant difference of secondary substance between upper and lower leaves .

  3. 昆虫趋性诱杀器在城市中的应用

    Application of insect taxis trap in cities

  4. 结论钉螺对光强和光色具有不同的趋性反应。

    It 's concluded that O.hupensis has different phototaxis with different light intensities and colors .

  5. 雌、雄成虫对同一颜色的趋性无明显差异。

    There was no significantly different response to the same color between female and male . 5 .

  6. 双翅目昆虫,在数量上,对红光灯趋性最强,但从比值看,黄光灯对其选择性最高;

    The insects in Diptera were most phototactic to red light while more beneficial insects to yellow light .

  7. 在生产上,可利用害虫对颜色的趋性进行害虫预测预报或害虫控制。

    The tropism of vegetable insect pests may be used for population monitoring and controlling in the field .

  8. 大洪山南部嗜人按蚊生态及吸血趋性的研究

    Study on Habits and Characteristic and Suck Blood Taxis of Anopheles anthropophagus in Da Hong Shan South Aria

  9. 研究明确了甜菜夜蛾在不同寄主间的产卵选择趋性与幼虫取食趋性上的差异。

    There were the selective taxis difference of laying eggs and larva feed of the beet armyworm among different host species .

  10. 它对磁场的趋性行为使其在处理含重金属废水中具有非常重要的作用。

    The orientational behavior in magnetic field make them play an important role in the treatment of waste water containing heavy metals .

  11. 基于此,先锋诗歌具有前趋性与实验性,反叛性与解构性等诸种特质。

    Based on this , with the former becoming the vanguard poetry and ex perimental , rebellious and many characteristics , such as deconstruction .

  12. 目的:查明嗜人按蚊生态习性及吸血趋性,为制定疟疾防制措施提供科学依据。

    Objective : To ascertain habits and characteristic and biting blood taxis of Anopheles anthropophagus in different area for the scientific basis of malaria prevention .

  13. 用云南白纹伊蚊建立的实验种群,进行了吸血特性的观察。大洪山南部嗜人按蚊生态及吸血趋性的研究

    His paper reported that Aedes albopictus had a specificity of the second bloodsucking . Study on Habits and Characteristic and Suck Blood Taxis of Anopheles anthropophagus in Da Hong Shan South Aria

  14. 诗歌与神话之间的联姻是文艺现代化的内趋性诉求;最后,庄骚精神的历史复活和现代诠释。

    The marriage between modernized literature / art and mythology is an internal appeal . At last , the historical resurgence of the spirit of " Taoist school " and its modern interpretation .

  15. 克伦肖解算出「螺旋状调转趋性」这种扭摆运动的运作法则,并协助耐顿研究所的团队设计机器人,基本上是要发展出一种全新的导向技术。

    Crenshaw deciphered the algorithm of the twisting motion , known as helical klinotaxis , and assisted Nekton 's team in applying it to the robots , in essence crafting a new guidance technology .

  16. 茶黄蓟马对不同色板趋性各有差异,其中对蓝色有很强的趋性,其次依次为白色、绿色、黄色、灰色和红色。

    The blue one was the most favorite for the thrips . The taxis sequence of the thrip to other color board traps was white , green , yellow , grey and red in turn .

  17. 简述了昆虫趋性诱杀器的诱杀原理及在城市的应用效果,指出灯光诱杀是调控城市园林趋光性害虫的有效工具。

    The paper dealt with the trapping mechanism of insect taxis trap and its application effect in cities and pointed out that light trapping was the effective measure for controlling phototactic pest insects in urban gardens .

  18. 主要结果如下:1、采用Y形昆虫嗅觉仪测定中红侧沟茧蜂对不同龄期棉铃虫幼虫及其危害棉株的趋性行为反应。

    The major results are listed as follows : 1 . The taxis responses of M. mediator to different instars CBW larvae and cotton plant damaged by different instars CBW larvae were measured in a Y-shaped olfactometer .

  19. 利用Y型嗅觉仪研究了水稻挥发物对二化螟初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫的趋性影响。

    The orientational behavior of the 1st - and 3rd - instar larvae of the striped stem borer ( SSB , Chilo suppressalis ) to the volatiles emitted from rice plants was studied with a Y-tube olfactometer .

  20. 对成虫趋光性的研究表明,柿蒂虫对黑光有很强趋性,黑光灯下诱蛾性比为41:1.柿蒂虫成虫的夜间活动主要在午夜和黎明前。

    Study of light taxis of adult shows that persimmon fruit worm has a great taxis to black light lamp and the lured adult are 41 female : 1 male . Night activities of adult are mainly in midnight and before dawn .

  21. 这种情况不能不一开始就导致了中国近现代法学的后趋性、无根性、脆弱性及与社会现实、民俗国情乃至文化传统的脱节性。

    This state of affairs could not but led to the lagging , fragility and the lack of foundation of Chinese modern law science and its separation from Chinese social reality , folk custom , popular feelings , national conditions and cultural tradition from the beginning .