
  • 网络the Kidney Channel of foot-Shaoyin;Shaoyin Kidney Channel of Foot
  1. 结论:针刺足少阴肾经是治疗便秘的良好方法。

    Conclusion : Using the acupuncture on the kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin acupoints to treat constipation is a good method .

  2. 任脉与足少阴肾经为选穴频次最多的经脉。(2)现代文献部分:最常使用的施灸方式是艾炷灸,其次为艾条灸。

    Ren Meridian and Foot shaoyin meridian are the acupoints chosen frequency meridians . ( 2 ) Contemporary literature review : the first most commonly used way is moxa cone moxibustion then is the moxa stick moxibustion .

  3. 结论:通过对古今文献的整理及分析研究,总结出足太阴脾经、足少阴肾经、足厥阴肝经各腧穴的高频次主治症。

    Conclusion : Through summing up and analyzing ancient and modern literature , we summarized high-frequency indications of the points of the spleen Channels of Foot - taiyin , The kidney Channels of Foot-Shaoyin and liver Channels of Foot - Jueyin .

  4. 大鼠足厥阴肝经与足少阴肾经和足阳明胃经的形态学研究

    Morphologic Studies of the Liver Meridian Kidney Meridian and Stomach Meridian in Rats

  5. 此系足太阳膀胱经末穴,从这里到达足少阴肾经。

    This is the end point of the Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiyin , from where it reaches to the Foot-Shaoyin Meridian .