
zhǐ jiǎ
  • nail;toenail
趾甲 [zhǐ jiá]
  • [toenail] 脚趾尖上所生的坚硬角质物

趾甲[zhǐ jiǎ]
  1. 方法样品用2%的中性洗涤剂,温水浸泡30min清水洗净,用硝酸-高氯酸(2:1)3ml消化0.2g趾甲样。

    Methods The nail samples were washed with 2 % liquid detergent and digested with 3 ml of nitric acid-perchloric acid system ( 2 : 1 ) .

  2. 你是否觉得赤脚或不涂趾甲油很尴尬?

    Are you embarrassed to go barefoot or without nail polish ?

  3. 你的脚趾甲太长了,应该剪掉,不然趾甲会往里长,给你造成很大的痛苦。

    Your toenails are very long , you ought to cut them before they start growing in , or you could be in a lot of pain .

  4. 2011年美国标枪冠军迈克•黑泽尔(MikeHazle)说,他的耐克运动鞋太瘦,导致他趾甲脱落,双脚麻木。

    Mike Hazle , the 2011 U.S. champion in the javelin , said his Nike-made shoes were too narrow , causing his toenails to fall off and his feet to become numb .

  5. 甲襞微血管变化:不同压力间不同时间点手指、足趾甲襞微血管血流速度和红细胞聚集程度的差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。

    Nailfold microcirculation : There were statistical significant differences in blood flow and erythrocyte aggregation in ring finger and toe nailfold microcirculation in different tourniquet pressures at different time points ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 48例嵌趾甲的病因分析及手术治疗

    Analysis of etiological factors and surgical therapy in ingrowing toenail

  7. 黑色、白色、褐色或带斑纹的趾甲都可以接受。

    Black , brown , white , and striped nails are allowed .

  8. 糖尿病患者趾甲真菌病的患病率及易感因素

    Prevalence and Predisposing Factors of Toenail Onychomycosis in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

  9. 苯酚对儿童嵌趾甲切除的影响

    The effect of phenol on ingrown toenail excision in children

  10. 你可以根据以下简单的建议来根除趾甲真菌。

    You can eradicate nail fungus using this straight and easy-to-follow advice .

  11. 目的:为临床应用趾甲床移植手术提供解剖学依据。

    Objective : To provide anatomic data for the transplantation of toenail-bed .

  12. 仿佛所有的趾甲都被刚刚撕掉。

    As if the toe-nails were all just torn off .

  13. 感谢收看“怎样处理趾甲上的白斑”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video how to treat white spots on nails .

  14. 他的趾甲喜欢水和土地。

    His toenail likes the water and the land .

  15. 下肢血管疾病的(?)趾甲襞微循环观察

    Observation on microcirculation of big toe fold in vascular disease of lower limbs

  16. 每个脚掌上通常长着五个钩状趾甲。

    Usually five hoof-like toenails grow on each foot .

  17. 所有患者趾甲手术应该得到适当的教育以及相关术后护理。

    All patients undergoing toenail surgery should receive appropriate education regarding postoperative care .

  18. 带翼状皮瓣的第二趾甲瓣修复手指皮肤套脱伤

    Second toe wrap-around flap with wings to repair skin avulsion of the fingers

  19. 趾甲原位覆盖技术在治疗甲床破裂创面中的应用

    Applications of Situ Covering of Toenail in Repairing of the Broken Toe Hyponychium

  20. 南美和中美的软毛小猴,有代替趾甲的尖爪。

    Small soft-furred South and Central American monkey with claws instead of nails .

  21. 吻合血管神经的游离趾甲瓣移植

    Free toenail transplantation with , vessel and nerve anastomosis

  22. 我不给我的主人剪趾甲。

    I will not cut my master 's nails .

  23. 指、趾甲复合瓣移植的解剖学基础

    The transplantation of compound finger nail and toe nail flaps & The anatomic aspects

  24. 你不剔趾甲,我就不咬手指甲。

    I won 't bite my nails if you don 't pick your toes .

  25. 趾甲床微循环血管形态的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning electron microscope studies of the microcirculation in the nail bed of the toe

  26. 踇趾甲床游离移植的应用解剖

    Anatomic study on free first toe nail transplantation

  27. 穿高跟鞋对女性趾甲真菌病的影响

    Effect of High-heeled Shoes on Onychomycosis in Women

  28. 趾甲砷氢化物发生&原子荧光测定方法探讨

    Study on the determination of arsenic in nail with hydride generator - atom fluorimetry

  29. 在这段简短的视频中,我们来讨论一下怎样处理趾甲上的白斑。

    In this short video were going to discuss treating white spots on the nail .

  30. 趾甲的活体解剖测量及其临床意义

    Anatomic measurement and clinical significance of toenail