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bá hù
  • domineering;bossy;bullying
跋扈 [bá hù]
  • [domineering;bossy] 专横暴戾

  • 此跋扈将军也。--《后汉书.梁冀传》

  • 龙钟阁部啼梅岭,跋扈将军噪 武昌。-- 孔尚任《桃花扇》

  • 专横跋扈

跋扈[bá hù]
  1. 这个或许让他想起跋扈的姨妈。

    This one might have reminded him of a domineering aunt .

  2. 他作为丈夫的跋扈并未使她过分担心。

    His bossiness as a husband didn 't worry her unduly .

  3. 但我们的道路上充满了母老虎跋扈老女人这样的恶语

    but our road there is still paved with words like pussy and bossy

  4. 而在日后的生活中,这些儿童就表现出保守的、跋扈的、强硬的和有偏见的态度。

    And In later life these same children manifest conservation , domIneerIng , rigid and prejudiced attitudes .

  5. 你不会记得我是怎样来过你的世界怎样的喧嚣胡闹任性跋扈。

    You don 't remember how I came to your the world how blatant nonsense capricious defiant .

  6. 职务犯罪的主要病态心理类型包括精神压抑症、胜利恐惧症、骄横跋扈症和奢侈症。

    The main morbid psychology types of duty criminal consist of mental depression , victory fear , imperiousness and luxury .

  7. 图四:喜好颜色看个性,红色:有跋扈和控制欲的倾向;绿色:性格怪异;彩色:此人已疯。

    Fig4.Ink colors represent personalities : red for bossiness and petty tyranny , green for eccentricity and multi-coloured for mad .

  8. 其次,它反映了中唐社会藩镇跋扈、作乱及其对合肥的重大影响。

    Besides , it reflects the social chaoes caused by outlying prefecture rebellion in the mid-Tang period and its great impact upon Hefei .

  9. 叛乱平息之后,河北藩镇依然跋扈,因此河东又成为遏制河北的重要力量。

    After the rebellion subsided , Hebei Chieh-tu Shih is still bossy , so Hedong containment has become an important force in Hebei .

  10. 这听起来有些跋扈,再考虑到你还相当年轻,我能够理解他们为何被激怒。

    That sounds high-handed and , coupled with the fact that you are quite young , I can see it getting up their noses .
